All posts by Mrs Milne

Remote Learning

Happy New Year and I hope that you are all safe and well.
Again we have entered a period of “Remote Learning”.  As a school we are working and adapting our practice and we will be delivering remote learning in the following way.

All classes will have core material (essentials), independent work (work that can be completed without anyone else parent or sibling) and good to try (extras if your children need to have something else to do).

Beginning on a Monday 11th staff will publish a weekly grid of learning including these three types of learning experiences.  This should help parents see how it will work in and around the family week.  Teachers will be online to provide feedback to the children and support them during the school day unless they are in the school hub supporting our Key Worker and Vulnerable Children.  We are aware that children will be accessing at different times of the day to suit family life which may be outwith the school hours and therefore they may need to wait at least until the following day before receiving feedback.

Teams will be used by children to upload any work that they want the teacher to see and feedback on.  We have tried to tackle the problems and issues parents raised via the feedback forms completed at the end of the last lockdown and from the homework feedback.

Further “How to Guides” will be posted on the blog with step by step instructions as will further advice and guidance can also be found on the Blog.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via the usual methods of telephoning the school on 01563522938 or via email.

Christmas Card and Gift Deliveries

The children worked hard to make beautiful Christmas cards for two of our local care and residential homes.  These cards and some small gifts for staff and residents were delivered before Christmas having been quarantined beforehand.  We wish all of our friends and families in our community a warm, safe and healthy festive season.

Click on the link below to see some of the examples/

Cards for the Residential Homes

P7 Transition

P7 Parents/Carers

Kilmarnock Academy is delighted to present our virtual information session for parents/carers and young people joining Kilmarnock Academy in August 2021. Please follow the link below to access the session:

 We hope that you enjoy the session and find it informative as we move towards transition into S1. We are very keen to engage with you and answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions after the presentation, please complete the form using the link below. We intend to produce FAQ based on your questions but will respond to more personal questions individually:

P7 Parent Questions

We very much look forward to meeting you in person soon.

Kind regards

Kilmarnock Academy