All posts by Mrs Milne

Kindness Calendar

This year’s kindness advent calendar is available to view on Facebook, and X.  We are continuing to encourage the children and young people to be kind to everyone,  If you wish to join in we would love it if you could share any photos of the acts of kindness you may do at home and within the community.

Celebration Assembly

What a busy week!

The following children were celebrated in this week’s celebrate assembly.
Robbie P2A, Chizaram P3/2, Mia P2A, Evanna, P2A, Abel P2A, Jax P2A and Sophie P2A for outstanding literacy work.
Ritika P3, Bailley P3, Carys P2B, Cailey P2B, Brooklyn P2B and Finn P2B for fantastic numeracy work.
All the following children have achieved 100 personal points. Well done everyone! Keep up the great work!
Sophia P3, Colby P3, Lyle P3, Harry P3/2, Joseph P3/2 and Nyah P3/2.
The following children celebrated achievements outside of school:
Holly C. P1B
Myla P2A
Lara P2B
Sam P3/2
Roman P3/2
Rory C P3/2
Isla P3/2
Lyle P3
Sophia P3
Ritika P3
Esme P5/4
Tanisha P7/6
Finally, a huge congratulations to P4 for sharing their learning at this week’s assembly and telling us all about their fantastic work to promote recycling across the school.

Parent Bulletin 3

Dear Parent/Carer

Parent Bulletin Week beginning 2nd October.

It has been a busy couple of weeks in school with United Nations World Peace Day and last week Maths Week Scotland.  Sways to follow.

This week we launch our Facebook Page.  We are aware that some parents/carers do not use twitter and a request was made for a Facebook page. This can be found at the link below.



We are looking forward to having the Digi Bus with us on Fridays starting this week and the classes will visit in groups.  Please note that the bus will be in the playground from 10a.m.

Congratulations to Ms McCulloch who completed the Mini Massage in Schools Programme training.  Watch this space for the launch of the massage in school programme after the October holiday.

Thank you to all of you who have completed the annual Photographic Permissions using the QR code to access the digital form.  We are still looking for a considerable number of parents to complete this in order to get photographs on display.

The second day of Parent Teacher meetings is on Tuesday 3rd October and we look forward to meeting with you.  This is the afternoon appointment day.  If you are unable to make your appointment could you let us know by emailing the school office.

Next Monday 9th the Friends of Loanhead Parent Council are holding a costume swap from the gym hall for Halloween for half an hour after school.

Next Thursday 12th is the first of this sessions class assemblies and the parents of P5/4 are invited to attend at 9:30a.m.

Next Friday 13th is our harvest assembly and donations will be accepted from this week and will be going to two foodbanks in the area.

Have a great week.

Loanhead Primary & ECC

Parent Bulletin

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you to those of you who returned your preference for the day you receive the weekly bulletin.  The majority of votes were for Monday.  The bulletin will come out via the app on that day.


Friends of Loanhead Parent Council AGM

This Wednesday (20th ) the AGM will be held in the school gym hall at 6:30pm.  The parent council are also running a new to you Halloween costume pop up and other events to support the children at Loanhead so come along and find out more.


Climate Conference

Mrs Roy, Luke and Thomas from P7 attended the Climate Conference last week. They came back with lots of ideas so watch this space for upcoming environmental events,


Thursday 21st September

Thursday sees us focusing on World Peace Day.  The children will be working on what Peace means and completing different tasks that highlight symbols and ways in which we can tackle conflict.  We will be looking at the United Nations and their role along with the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child) articles.

Thursday also sees us stopping for the long weekend. We stop at the usual time and the children return to school on Tuesday 26th September.


Parent Teacher Meetings

Appointment times for meeting the teacher have gone home and we look forward to meeting you all on the 28th September or the 3rd October at your given time.  There will be some information available and we would like to hear your views on this so please look out for the information stands in the foyer.


ASN Meetings

Due to staff absence these reviews will be extended over a further 3 weeks to allow for covering class teachers to be in attendance.


We hope you have a great week and a lovely holiday weekend


Kind regards

Loanhead Primary and ECC

Welcome Everyone

It was wonderful catching up with all of our returning children.  They were all looking so smart and keen to start the day.  Welcome also to all of our Primary One pupils, who started today.  A further welcome goes out to our new pupils who joined other classes from different parts of the world. We look forward to getting to know all of our new pupils who are now part of our Loanhead family.

WOW Week

Please see attached flyer about some of the activities going on this week.  Parents are reminded that they may come to their child/children’s potted sports today and that Sports Day racing is held at the Athletics Arena on Friday starting at 10 a.m. The children are encouraged to wear house colours on Sports Day. These are

  • Dean : Blue
  • Howard : Yellow
  • Kay : Red
  • Piersland : Green

We hope to see you there.