Sports Day

Well done to all the children for taking part in this years Sports Day.  It was a great success with a lot of fun being had by all!  We were very fortune that the weather stayed dry in the afternoon and we were able to play our Inter-house football competition as well.  Results of the winning house will announced at our next assembly on Friday.

It takes a lot of supervision for these big events to go ahead and we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who helped with escort duties, rope holding and all the other tasks it takes to makes these events run seamlessly.  It is also most encouraging to see so many parents, carers and friends of the children coming along to support them, however, the surge of parents coming over and mixing into the classes makes it very difficult for staff to contain all pupils and maintain a head count.  In future, for the safety of the children, can we please ask that spectators remain in the spectator area at all times.  Your co-operation with this would be much appreciated.