All posts by Mrs Milne

Reading Schools Accreditation

We are proud to announce the achievement of our Reading Schools Accreditation.  We have achieved our goals and targets.  The accreditation takes us up to April 2027.  As a school we are continuing our focus on reading for enjoyment and developing our skills and interests in a wide variety of books and texts.  Well done to all of our Reading Star Pupils on the committee your hard work and enthusiasm was very successful.

Church Service and Easter Thanks

The children, staff, parents and carers in attendance this morning enjoyed an excellent Easter Service in Galston Parish Church, conducted by Reverand Lacy.   A well-deserved “Thank You” goes to Reverand Lacy for conducting the service. Helping him were Penny, Struan, and Harry who told the Easter Story and Myka who recited the Jellybean poem.  A huge thank you to them and to all of the children who sang in their classes.

Thanks, must also go to Jim Hewitson, our crossing patroller, for the donation of creme eggs for pupils. It was very much appreciated by all.

A huge thanks to everyone who brought in tissues and wet wipes as part of our dress down day yesterday. It was an excellent turnout, and everyone appeared to have enjoyed the day.

From all of us here at Galston Primary we hope you have a safe and happy Easter break.  We look forward to seeing the children back to school on Monday 15th April.

Easter Craft

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to our Easter Crafts after school today.  It was lovely to see you enjoying crafting with the children and all of those smiling faces on such a wet day.  Thank you to the staff members who organised the crafts and the afternoon. It was very much appreciated by everyone who came along.

Digital Leaders Message

Chromebook Pilot Project 

By Erin and Hibba 

Digital Leaders 

In Primary 5/6 and Primary 6W have recently been practicing using Chromebooks in daily school life. 

This has been helping by improving our productiveness, and independence for we are able to research to our hearts desire. 

We have been in tailored lessons for this resource, to improve our technological skills. We are soon planning a digital art lesson using our Chromebooks. Furthermore, we have been introduced to new apps and websites, which has extended our knowledge. Most importantly, we have been taught valuable lessons on how to look after things. 

Soon after the Easter holidays if the permission form was signed, we will be able to take them home to do further homework and classwork for those who don’t have access to technology.  

Thank You for Our Spring Fling

Thank you to Galston Parent Council for organising our spring fling discos last night (20th March).

The DJ was great and the children enjoyed the dancing, the games and the colouring.  Combined together, all of these elements meant that the children had a great time.

Thank you to all of the adults who helped out on the night.


Congratulations Galston Primary

Well done everyone on the achievement of our Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award!

The Silver Award assessment took place yesterday (19th March) and the representatives from not just the Rights Respecting committee but the pupils, parents and staff gave all of the information to the assessors that they needed and more!  Congratulations to everyone who has helped us get there. Onwards now to Gold!

Articles of the Month

Article 7

The right to a name and nationality.

The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and. as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.

Article 8

The right to an identity.

1. States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law without unlawful interference.

2. Where a child is illegally deprived of some or all of the elements of his or her identity, States Parties shall provide appropriate assistance and protection, with a view to re-establishing speedily his or her identity.