Rights Respecting School Sponsored Events – Well Done Everyone

On Friday 12th October the Rights Respecting School Group at Auchinleck Academy organised a series of fundraising events, for the third year in a row, to raise money for our continued sponsorship of Jebbeh Kiazolu school in Liberia. Although our annual sponsored walk through Dumfries House estate had to be cancelled due to poor weather conditions, the majority of pupils took part in a sponsored silence instead, or a sponsored dance or swim, which lasted a full afternoon. S1 pupils also gave a small donation to take part in a French breakfast which was organised by the Modern Languages department with some support from Tesco in Auchinleck, who kindly supplied us with orange juice, and chocolate spread for our croissants. Many pupils and staff also assisted Mary Gladwell, our School/Community Youth Worker, to bake cakes and various treats which were sold over interval and lunch break.

Yet again we have been blown away by the generosity of staff, parents and carers, friends and members of the community who generously offered donations and sponsored our pupils- so far  £3403 has been raised! We are extremely proud of our pupils for completing their challenges and taking action to promote young people’s rights and help the children of Jebbeh Kiazolu to access their entitlement to nutritious food, and to education. It costs just over £13 to feed a child in Liberia for a full year- the money we raised will allow all of the children at Jebbeh Kiazolu school to continue receiving a daily nutritious meal from the Mary’s Meals kitchen which was set up in the school two years ago with our support.

This is a great example of global citizenship from Auchinleck Academy pupils, staff and parents. Our actions are genuinely making a difference to young people’s lives. Well done Auchinleck Academy!


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