Young Musician of the Year 2018

The 4th annual Young Musician of the Year competition was held at Auchinleck Academy on Monday 26th March. It was an excellent evening of entertainment from the 13 finalists as well as the groups which rehearse within the school. There were 4 junior finalists and 9 senior finalists this year, battling it out for the title of Young Musician of the Year 2018. The finalists were as follows:


Kirsty MacLeod (voice)

Ava Cook (piano)

Lachlan Schendel (drumkit)

Emma Gemmell (Fiddle)


Natasha Romaniuk (voice)

Matthew Morrison (drumkit)

Kirsten O’Dwyer (voice)

Skye Schendel (piano)

Scott McKee (piano)

Millie Graham (voice)

Morven Guthrie (accordion)

Siobhan Brannigan (voice)

Lynsey Blair (voice)

Junior Winner: Kirsty MacLeod

Junior Runner up: Ava Cook

Senior Winner:  Scott McKee

Senior Runner up: Skye Schendel

Congratulations to all involved in a great night and now all our efforts are concentrated on the production of our school show “Hairspray” which takes place 19th – 21st of June 2018.


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