
Wednesday saw a very enthusiastic Auchinleck Academy Rugby girls’ team travel to Maybole to take on Carrick. Eight S1-S2 girls with only one amongst them, the player of the match Leigh Hill, having played before. They were keen but nervous when they saw the experienced Carrick side warming up. Those nerves appeared to be with the Auchinleck girls throughout as Carrick scored several unanswered tries. Hill was impressive making tackle after big tackle but the Carrick tide kept coming and soon the score was too much. Both Mr Raby and the Carrick Development Officer decided to ‘mix’ the teams up and let the girls learn more from a competitive match. Mr Raby would like to thank the Carrick DO and his team for refereeing the game in the correct manner by allowing certain things to go and keep the game flowing. All of the girls involved enjoyed the experience and have asked for further fixtures to be organised.

Eight was also the number of S3-S4 girls who travelled with Miss McKeich hoping for a win. The game was end to end with new comer to egg shaped happiness, Iona Rogers leaving her mark with some wrecking ball like tackles. Carrick used their strength and made good ground in the tight conditions. Auchinleck Rugby used the width well, and in one brilliant try worthy of any rugby game at any level the ball was passed through four sets of hands to find older sister Louise Hill for a try in the corner. Auchinleck Girls first outing was also against Carrick and that game was lost by one try. Auchinleck Rugby highlighted its rapid improvement by drawing this game nine tries a piece.

Mr Raby would like to thank Hope Homes for their cash donation to Auchinleck Rugby.

Rugby - whole group

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