Young Enterprise Scotland- National Finals: Vote for Learning Logs!

We would like to congratulate our group of 13 senior pupils who will compete in the Scottish Young Enterprise finals on June 2nd having already won the Ayrshire Finals earlier this year!
As part of the marking criteria the team had to submit their winning report and deliver a presentation before taking part in a 15 minute online interview with a panel of judges on the day of the Final.
The majority of this work was completed during lunch breaks and after school and as a reward for their efforts each member of the group received 26 SCQF accreditation points from the SQA for completing the Company Programme. One team member, Kaylee Johnston, also completed an voluntary piece of work for 4 additional points.
Young Enterprise Scotland have created Promotional materials for each team. There is a Peoples Choice Award which requires the most votes to win. Anyone can vote! Please vote at the link provided to support our team for their efforts!

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