World’s Largest Lesson

For the past three weeks S2 pupils at Auchinleck Academy have been participating in the ‘World’s Largest Lesson’ Interdisciplinary project. This has involved learning about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which have been set by world leaders to tackle climate change, end extreme poverty and promote equality and justice in the world. Pupils took part in lessons in all of their subjects to find out more about these Goals and how they support children’s rights.  At the end of the project they were set the challenge of coming up with  an ‘Idea for Change’ project which they could lead within the school or local community, and which would contribute to the achievement of some of the Global Goals.

 Pupils worked in groups to come up with  their ‘Idea for Change’ projects. They then took part in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style activity which involved presenting their ideas to the Senior Leadership Team and trying to convince them to provide funding and support to make their project happen. The following winning projects were chosen by the Head Teacher and Deputes, who will now support the pupils involved to start up their projects:

 1.       Food Packaging ( Goal 1- No Poverty, Goal 2- No Hunger)- leftover food from the canteen which would normally be thrown out will be packaged up at the end of each day and left in the dining hall for pupils to collect and take home if they wish.

2.       Reusable Water Bottles (Goal 13- Climate Action)- funding will be provided to purchase a stock of reusable water bottles which will be sold to pupils and staff for a small price. Funding for another water dispenser in the canteen will also be provided. Pupils and staff will be encouraged to use the reusable water bottles and fill these up from the dispensers rather than buying plastic bottles from the canteen or using plastic cups from the dispensers.

3.       Fair Trade stall ( Goal 1- No Poverty) – funding will be provided to purchase a stock of Fair Trade products to sell to pupils and staff. Pupils will run the stalls which will be held at interval in the Barista cafe and other venues.

4.       Litter Pick ( Goal 13- Climate Action) – pupils will organise and participate in regular litter picks in the local community. Local residents and primary school pupils will be encouraged to get involved. Any litter which can be recycled will be taken to the recycling bins at Tesco.

 This is another excellent example of pupils in Auchinleck Academy working together and taking action to lead change within the school and local community in order to tackle important issues which affect their rights and their future.  Well done to all of the S2 pupils who were involved!


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