Dyslexia Awareness Week 2018

Pupils from Auchinleck Academy recently recognised and promoted Dyslexia Awareness Week 2018. The theme of this year’s campaign was ‘Dyslexia: My Wider World’. As part of their leadership course, some senior pupils worked hard to deliver presentations to all pupils during assemblies. They also presented to Principal Teachers at their weekly meeting to highlight Dyslexia across the whole school. Pupils are more aware of what Dyslexia is and how all pupils can be supported in their learning.

Pupils and staff are working together to create inclusion toolboxes which will provide a variety of support aids and will be made available to pupils in every department.  These will provide useful strategies and supports to ensure all pupils’ needs are met.

The work we are doing in Auchinleck Academy to raise awareness of Dyslexia and other Additional Support Needs is another great example of how our young people are taking action in our school to promote children’s rights. During Dyslexia awareness assemblies we focused on Article 29 from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: All children have a right to an education which develops their abilities and talents to the full. We have also been learning about Equity- the fact  that some young people need, and are entitled to, extra support to help them to develop their full potential and have the same opportunities as others.

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