Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Each year Auchinleck Academy supports the Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Pupils are being asked to bring in a number of small items, which are packed into decorated shoeboxes and sent to children and adults all over the world. Often this is the only gift these children will ever receive. It had always been a well-supported venture in Auchinleck Academy, as we hope to beat last year’s total of 72 shoeboxes.


There are some guidelines as to what can be put in the boxes. Due to important regulations, all goods must be new or nearly new.

Please select from the following items;

~ a small cuddly toy.

~ Tootbrush, toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, a wrapped bar of soup and a flannel.

~ Comb/brush, sanitary products.

~ Shampoo, conditioners, moisturising cream

~ Notepad, colouring books, picture books (no words)

~ Pencils, pencil sharpener, pens.

~ Crayons, coloured pencils or felt pens.

~ Hat, gloves, scarf and socks

~ Small ball or tennis ball

~ Puzzles e.g. small jigsaws

~ For boys – toy car, truck, passenger plane or similar small toys

~ For girls – small toys, dolls, jewellery e.g. clip earrings, makeup, hair accessories.

~ Geeting Card, letter, Christmas Card or photo of you.

~ Sweets (must be no earlier than March 2019 sell by date)

~ Empty shoeboxes, can be already wrapped (wrap lid and box separately)

~ Contribution towards the £3 delivery charge for each box.


Please DO NOT include any of the following items;

~ Chocolate (custom regulations)

~ War related items (toy guns, soldiers, knives)

~ Mirrors, glass containers

~ Anything of a political, racial or religious nature

~ Medicines

~ Crisps, biscuits, tinned food, cake

~ Clothing (other than listed above)

~ Aerosols (no spray deodrant)

~ Marbles or sharp objects

~ Books with words


Please bring any items and shoeboxes you wish to donate to your RME teacher or to Mr Reidford before 1st November.


Thank you


The Shoebox Appeal Committee

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