
Auchinleck Academy travelled up to Easterhouse in Glasgow on Friday night to take part in the 3rd Scottish Cup group match vs. St Roch’s High School. After a delay of around an hour waiting on a referee and the home team we finally got under way at 4pm. The game was close throughout and being refereed by two of the home teams pupils decisions were always going to be questionable. With 2 minutes remaining Rebecca Morrison stepped up and hit a huge shot to put us into a 27-25 lead and that is how it finished. Our defence was resolute throughout as you can tell by the score but at the other end we need to be more clinical with our finishing, especially against better teams.With 2 wins out of 3 we still have the chance to make it to the next round if we win our final game this Thursday vs Gryffe High School. A special mention to Cairn Flaherty and Leah Goudie for their best perofmances to date, helping to take some of the pressure of Captain Rebecca Morrison.



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