Rights Respecting School – Charity Day

Friday 7th October saw Auchinleck Academy undertake their second charity day in partnership with Mary’s Meals, as we aimed to get closer to our target of sponsoring a school in Liberia, Africa.

After a successful ‘wear blue’ day at the end of last term, Friday’s events involved a sponsored walk, sponsored cycle and sponsored silence. Pupils were given a choice as to what event they wanted to participate in and the uptake was great! The walk was to Dumfries House and both staff and pupils thoroughly enjoyed the dry October weather. The cycle took place in the PE department where pupils cycled in groups. Their hard work and effort has to be highlighted, with some pupils cycling non-stop for over 20 minutes. The sponsored silence took place in the library where the pupils involved managed to stay silent for almost two hours – no mean feat for some! There was also a highly successful staff coffee morning and bake sale.

Together we managed to smash our target and raise a massive £4,177.52! This will allow us to feed all of the pupils in a primary school in Liberia for a full year. What an amazing achievement and excellent team effort! Huge thanks to all of the pupils who got involved, and to the parents, carers, friends and relatives who sponsored pupils or provided donations – your efforts will make a huge difference to young people’s lives! Thanks also to the Rights Respecting School group and to all of the pupils and staff who helped to organise these events.

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