Whole School

13.5.24 – 17.5.24 – This week’s blog is by Jackson and Kobi!

We have been practicing for the Galloway Games. We’ve been doing different games such as archery, pipe throwing, and welly boot tossing. My favourite one was archery. – Jackson

My favourite one was archery as well. – Kobi

The yellow class were making self portraits of ourselves to show how different we are. I have not finished it yet, I still have my ears to do. – Kobi

On Wednesday the P6’s went to NWCC to take part in a transition day. We took part in music and art. In music we played The Greatest Showman with the ukuleles and in art we drew pictures of animals and designed them with a different pattern. I enjoyed it as I got to let my creativity out. – Jackson

When the P6’s were away, we went to the woods. We sat down and listened to a story called ‘The Highway Rat.’ Then we searched around for prints and clues to the crime scene in the book. – Kobi

We made evidence of what the Highway Rat had done, the older children then had to use their persuasion skills to persuade Mrs Robson that it was the Highway Rat committing the crimes! – Asa

We have been making a zoo so no predators can get in to get our animals. We had elephants and lions. – Kobi

We were doing an activity called “Animal Me” on the My World of Work website which shows us that we’re different in many ways. We took an animal quiz and I found out I was a koala which happens to be one of my favourite animals. The koala’s motto was ‘quiet work is good work.’ – Jackson

Zamari and I were tying string around a shape which was a love heart. I used green, red and blue string. I haven’t finished yet but when I do I am going to give it to my mum. – Kobi

This week in Feis Rois we practiced some of our songs. One of the songs was about porridge, but then a pigeon fell off a chimney and a cow fell off a wall. We also had a rhythm to go with it. – Jackson

This week in gardening club Mrs. Ryman from the village came to the school to help us plant some seeds. We planted 6 different types of seeds with 2 in each planter which matched each other. – Jackson

I got very dirty! – Kobi

In the yellow class we are learning about money. We have made our own toy shops and some rules to go with them. I am enjoying doing this because we get to jump over blankets. – Kobi

The blue class have been doing persuasive writing. We made different crime scenes in groups then we wrote to Judge Miss Baillie about who we thought did the crime. Mr Starfish and Bob are the people who got arrested for the crimes! It was great fun to do! – Jackson

Asa and Jesse, along with my mum (Zoe), made a big tidy up poster telling people to come and help tidy our playground! – Jackson

It’s on Wednesday the 13th of June from 2-5pm.

6.5.24 – 10.5.24 – This week’s blog is by Jesse and Alexander!

On Monday we were all off school for the day and I went to my Nanny’s for a walk, I really enjoyed it! – Jesse

I went to my dad’s and went to the park. – Alexander

In the blue class we are learning about microorganisms. We are doing an experiment by putting bread on the wall to see which one gets mouldy first. We each have our own one where we put our hands on it and we will see the difference. We have also done grapes, cheese, more bread and a biscuit. We will keep you updated on how it goes. – Jesse

The yellow class have been learning about how poo is made. We got bananas and mushed them up, we then crushed biscuits into the banana, we also added water in. We then mixed it up and put it in Mr McNay’s mum’s tights. The tights are our intestines in our tummy, we then squeezed it out of the tights to make poo! I then cleaned up the bowls with Zara as everyone else found it disgusting but I didn’t! – Alexander

This week in Feis Rois the P1s joined us. We learned a new song, it was a bit of a strange one but funny! We also did a song with a rhythm and a beat learning our names, Eleanor thought Zamari’s name was Harry! – Jesse

I liked joining in today, and liked listening to the music. – Alexander

We went outside and drew around each others bodies. I worked with Zara and she drew me very big! We then added in where our mouths and stomachs are. – Alexander

With Miss Baillie we were making our own microorganisms. We got to make them up, I worked with Alexander and Bobby. We made a fungi. – Jesse

We called it Bluey Fungi. – Alexander

With Mrs Robson we were learning about our different blood cells and which were the red blood cells, the white blood cells and the platelet cells. We made a structure showing the different cells going around the body and how they do their jobs. The white blood cells chase bugs away, the red blood cells drop off oxygen and take away rubbish and the platelet cells fix all the cuts you may get on your body. – Jesse and Alexander

<– Click here to see our blood cells in action!

29.4.24-3.5.24 – This week’s blog is by Lola and Bessie!

In Wake & Shake we have been practicing football with Mr McNay. I’m not a fan of football! – Bessie

We were doing silhouettes with Mrs Robson, we used crayons and black paper to do the silhouettes. We got the choice of using hot or cold colours. My picture is the one with the horse and the girl! – Lola

In the yellow class we have been getting messages from a secret person. She left us a clue to figure out her name, we have found out her name is Christine and she is the cleaner! – Bessie

This week is Feis Rois we had the instruments out and we learned to play them in tune. We also learned about all the different instruments. My favourite instrument was the cymbal. – Lola

We dipped our fingers into the ink and made our finger prints and put them on the picture of our hands. We also painted pictures using our fingers, I painted a rainbow. The paint stained my hands! – Bessie

We had Mr Wild come in to do coding with us. We had to make a code for a Minecraft person, we had to make him find the treasure chest. I found it pretty hard! – Lola

We have started practicing the potted sports for sports day. The sports we have been doing are the co-operative skis, the welly boot throw, the target tennis, the netball shoot and the Olympic flame. My favourite one is the Olympic flame and my least favourite is the co-operative skis. – Lola

My favourite one is the welly boot throw and my least favourite is the netball shoot because I kept missing! – Bessie

We have been learning about the digestive system, we started by measuring out the intestines on Asa. We did an experiment to show the breakdown of food throughout the body and what happens when it comes out the other side – it makes poo! I actually loved it and Roddy and I were the last 2 standing as everyone found it disgusting! At the end we had to try and eat 3 crackers in 1 minute – no one completed it, it was very difficult! Roddy turned very red! – Lola

We had a tortoise afternoon, 2 came in who were called Beano and Esio Trot. We had fun playing with them and making obstacle courses for them but Esio Trot won them all! I loved it so much. – Lola

I fed them lots of dandelions and I made an obstacle for them to go under. – Bessie

On Thursday we went to Lochrutton Primary to take part in The Barbour Cup. There were 3 schools there, each with a younger and an older team. They added up all the goals scored for both teams at each school and Shawhead won the Barbour Cup! I found it very hard but I enjoyed myself! – Lola

22.4.24-26.4.24 – This week’s blog is by Jenny and Zara!

I got a trophy for gymnastics. I got it for doing a handstand with straight legs. – Zara

The yellow class were learning about the heart. We were walking to the goal and then we ran to the goal and then we played Tig. We then checked how fast our hearts were going. – Zara

The blue class were learning about symmetry. We had to draw the shapes outside and then we drew in the symmetry lines. – Jenny

We were learning about fractions, we drew a shape and then halved it. We also did it into quarters . I drew a triangle. – Zara

We have started doing tennis with Active Schools. We had to get a partner and we passed the ball to each other over the net. I worked with Jesse. – Jenny

I found it a little bit difficult to hit the ball. – Zara

We went outside to build skeletons out of Kapla. I worked with Zamari, and Mr McNay said the head I made for the baby was too big! – Zara

In Feis Rois this week we learned a new song with some actions. Eleanor also played the harp for us. – Jenny

We were learning about our 5 senses. I touched a tree, I smelled a flower, I looked at the sky, I heard a car and imagined tasting cherries. – Zara

The yellow class went out to help Mr McNay do some weeding and Kobi found a centipede, it crawled all over his hand! – Zara

We went outside to make silhouettes. We did different positions and drew round our shadows. I did a back bend and had to hold it for a long time! We have started making some art work of silhouettes with crayons. – Jenny

We drew a picture of our favourite princess and super heroes. We wrote some sentences about them. My characters were Super Lady Bug and Merida. – Zara

Jesse, Roddy and Jackson built a fire with Miss Baillie. We all had a go at lighting our own little fire, it took me a few goes but I got it! We toasted marshmallows on the fire and they tasted so good! – Jenny

With Mrs Robson we were learning about senses. We had to be blind folded and lead our partner to the tree and they had to guess what tree it was when you brought them back. A box was covered and we had to guess what the noise was under it. We made potions to smell with stuff like coffee, vanilla extract, lemon juice, apples and oranges. We had 3 buckets of water with different temperatures and we had to put our hand in them to feel them and say what temperature they were. – Jenny

We used the building blocks to make chairs we could sit on, and also different letters. I kept falling off my chair! – Zara

15.4.24-19.4.24 – This week’s blog is by Millie and Zamari!

I had a gymnastics competition at the weekend. I came second place in floor and got a ribbon for over all. I enjoyed doing it! – Jenny

For our topic ‘The Body’ we drew around our bodies outside, and labelled our senses on it. I drew hands, nose, eyes, tongue and ears. – Zamari

We checked our resting heart rates and checked them again after running and wrote them down. We then made structures of how the heart and lungs work. – Millie

In wake & shake we have started doing athletics. We were playing running games, and my team won! – Millie

In Feis Rois this week we were doing jigs and learning about rhythms. I was in a group with Roddy and Ella and we had to decide what type of rhythm Christina played. We also learned a new song and sang some we already knew. Millie

On Wednesday we went to the woods. We made ‘Journey Sticks’ which were a reminder of what you found in the woods and all the senses you felt. I found a shell but it fell off! – Millie

The woods was fun! I found lots of blue flowers. – Zamari

In the yellow class we have been learning about the heart, we copied a tutorial by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. I like all the hearts my friends drew in the class. – Zamari

Jaxson made this type of tank this week in class. – Zamari

In French we were saying all the different foods. We also mixed them up and hid one and then somebody would have to guess which one was missing in French. – Millie

This week Mr McNay started a lunchtime gardening club. We started by getting the weeds out of the plant pots and we found a lot of potatoes. I found a green shovel in the mud and I dug it out. – Zamari

We wrote Haiku poems, which had to be 5 syllables, then 7 syllables and then 5 syllables again. We did the poems about Spring and we came up with the ideas in our groups. – Millie

Click below to watch the video of them.

8.4.24-12.4.24 – This week’s blog is by Roddy and Ruairi!

Last term the P4-7 made a podcast with Soundtrap, give it a listen! It was very fun making it. – Roddy

We were learning how difficult it would be to breathe whilst being a smoker. We had to run for 2 minutes then count our pulse and write it down. Then we did it again but breathing through a straw. It was a lot more difficult, and a lot of people had to sit down while doing it. I stayed standing and Miss Baillie thought I was cheating! – Roddy

We have been learning about our skeleton and our bones. We made these pictures and we also did a scavenger hunt where we had to hide parts of a skeleton for a partner and find them. Mr McNay was my partner! – Ruairi

In reading Jackson and I were reading a book about pirates and we made a sculpture about where the pirates found the Dodo. We used playdough to create this. – Roddy

In the yellow class we have been learning about fractions. We have been using pizzas to help. My favourite toppings are pepperoni, ham and cheese. – Ruairi

In Feis Rois this week we learned the difference between a jig and a reel. They played us a song with their fiddle. We played ‘don’t clap this one back’ where we had to change the bit we couldn’t clap. – Roddy

On Thursday we did a litter pick around the lay-bys and we collected a lot of rubbish – 4 bags full! We found a sign and a blanket, I’m confused why someone would throw out a blanket! – Ruairi

22.3.24 – On the last day of term we had an Easter egg hunt around the school. Happy Easter everyone!

A trip to the woods and the park to make nests and hunt for bugs.

20.3.34 – The P4-7s went to King George V and took part in a cross country race. They all completed it and did so well! We even came away with a 1st place team trophy for the P4/5 girls. A big well done to all the children!

When we got back to school Bessie and Devyn’s big sisters were out for a walk with their horse and brought it into the playground for everyone to see! What an exciting day!

When some of the children were at lacrosse, the other children were learning about the months of the year and the different seasons.

18.3.24 – Some of the P4-7s from both Shawhead and Lochrutton went to Castle Douglas School to take part in a lacrosse tournament.

15.3.24 – Red Nose Day – The whole school took part in a dress down day and raised £34 in total. Everyone had fun doing a ‘red nose hunt’ in their houses. The team that won was Glenkiln!

The whole school have been making some shields for their different topics, Castles & knights and Scottish Wars of Independence.

The yellow class made some castles.

The P6/7s from both Shawhead and Lochrutton took part in Bikeability this week, and all passed both level 1 and 2!

We have been discovering new species around our school!

The P1s have been working on their writing.

The blue class have been doing some Soundtrap – they’ve been making their own music and are making a podcast.

The yellow class have been making animals to write about in class.

The blue class have been learning all about the different food webs, they even made their own ones to show their learning.

23.2.24 – Millie came first in the Nithsdale badminton competition for P6 girls!

The yellow class have been making habitats for their different animals.

The blue class have been learning about Scottish Wars of Independence. Here is a video they have made re-enacting The Battle of Bannockburn! Click below and have a watch!

We have been learning about the different habitats for animals.

We have been doing volleyball for wake & shake with Mr McNay.

The yellow class have been practicing their sequencing & ordering.

While the P6/7s were at Lockerbie Manor, we learned about Australia with Mr McNay. We made models of famous landmarks and made traps outside for the different Australian animals. We also made Australian flags and watched ‘Deadly 60’.

The P6/7s went to Lockerbie Manor for 2 nights. They took part in archery, the climbing wall, the blind trail, abseiling, den building, orienteering, a scavenger hunt and initiative exercises. They all had a lot of fun.

Ella, Asa and Jenny have been taking part in swimming at DG1 for 3 weeks. They all did so well.

The yellow class have been learning about all the people who help us.

We have been taking part in the Big Bird Watch – we have been making pictures of different types of birds with coloured tissue paper and making bird feeders.

We were trying to find a haggis around the playground!

The yellow class went to the woods to collect materials for their classroom.

26.1.24 – Day of Dance at Dalbeattie Campus

24.1.24 – We had a pre school fun afternoon.

We have been practicing our Scottish dancing!

Some fun playing in the snow!

Jesse with her scarf she knitted, that is red, white and blue

Achievement – Jesse knitted this scarf!

Starting off the new term with some happy faces at breakfast club!