Weekly roundup 4.3.24

Our third positive play session was a big hit with some new faces. Many thanks to Miss Pringle for leading it and for the parents and children who come along to support the sessions.

We completed some fitness stations outside in the cold, sunny air .

P1 made equal groups of bricks which showed halves in number, and looked at the oi/oy sound this week.


World Book day fun with measuring our heights in books, sharing our favourite books in a carousel , book trading , book scavenger hunts and reading and writing stories !

Grant came on Friday for our fab  Feis Rois music session- ask your child what happened to Granny when she was shoved down the “ stanky”!


And finally , pupil of the week was April for leading the learning in phonics with P1 and super effort in spelling all week! 🌟

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