Hlib and Vsevlod’s last day.

Today is Hlib and Vsevlod’s last day at Palnackie Primary. We have all loved getting to know them over the last two years. Hlib has said he’s a little bit nervous about moving but he is pleased that there is a big park near his new house.

We all wish Hlib, Vsevlod and his family good luck at their new school.

P7 high school transition

Palnackie’s  P7s have had some transitions to Dalbeattie High School. We have also had some teachers from the  high school come and talk to us about going to the high school. Lachlan is looking forward to woodwork, but is a little nervous about maths. Isla is a little worried she might miss the bus, but she can’t wait to meet more new people.

Lockerbie Manor April 2024 (part 1)

A great time was had by P6/7 who went to Lockerbie Manor for  a residential visit with Auchencairn, Kirkgunzeon and Palnackie. Lots of fun activities including abseiling, campfire building and marshmallows, raft building, blind trail and of course the yummy food!

Thanks to Miss Rooney from Auchencairn for the photos below.  More to follow……

Cocoa Bean 24.4.24

P1-4/6 and P1-4 at Auchencairn had  a great trip to the Cocoa Bean today. We all made 2 chocolate treats and had a play inside and outside. Very hot, very busy and great fun! Thanks to all the adult helpers who supported on the trip , and to Miss Ross for organising it, we had a great time!

Term 4 Weeks 1 and 2 round up 19.4.24

Welcome back to the last term of the year for all of our pupils!

We are hoping for summer sunshine and lots of fun during this busy term.  A newsletter will be coming out soon so please keep an eye out for that.

PE days: Mondays and Fridays

In the meantime, we have all be very busy and productive as you can imagine!

We started off the new term with a windy walk to the Millennium viewpoint. Breezy fun!

P1 have been developing their creativity skills using the new play resources that Mrs Graham purchased. Babies attended the doctors’ surgery for their blood transfusions, and I am pleased to report that they are all doing well now, and were able to travel back home with the bus driver Ted!

P1-7 have also been busy creating rocket art work and astronauts (still to be completed) for our new topic on Space!

P6/7 also received their certificates for being super Play Leaders! Thank you to Senga from Active Schools for training up our older pupils.

We visited Auchencairn for our first partnership afternoon to do PE and Health. P1-4 explored  how plants grow and each pupil got to take home their own sunflowers. P5-7 carried out some important discussions on staying safe when being online and who to talk to if they are unsure. Great work from everyone!

Back at school P1 have really loved creating their own space rockets, based on pictures they found in our topic books. Amazing!

A busy two weeks!