All posts by Mr Stevens

Return to school

Please find below important information about pupils returning to school on Wednesday 14th August.

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you and your family are well and ready for our return to a new school year. We recognise things have been difficult for many people and that we are not ‘back to normal’ yet. We also know that things may change quickly, and we will need to respond to any changes. I write to you now with the current information as it stands regarding pupil’s return to school.

School pupils will start back on Wednesday 12th August

Pupils may enter school between 8:50 and 9:10am. Pupils should go directly to the classroom and wash their hands. They will not play in the playground.

Entry to school

Nursery – Parents will take their children to the Nursery door. Parents will hand children to staff outside the door, social distancing should be observed. Transition visit dates and times will be sent to parents shortly. A full start for nursery children will commence on Monday 17th August.

P1 & P1/2 – Parents will take their children to the classroom door via the gate near the carpark and MUGA. Parents will leave school the same way.

The remainder of the school are to use the usual side gate. No parents of these pupils will be allowed into the playground.

Parents will not be allowed into the school but should phone or email the school with any information or questions.

We ask that where possible pupils and parents walk or cycle to school. Where this is not possible please consider ‘park and stride’ where the car is parked away from the school and pupils and parents make the short walk to school.

Office drop box

There will be a box placed in the school entrance for letters and notes to be handed into school.

On entry to the school pupils will wash their hands in the classroom. Teachers will have arranged for a starter activity for the class to do during the first 20 minutes.

Pupils should make every effort to maintain a 2m distance from staff.

Pupils will use their own pencils etc. provided by the school. We ask that pupils do not bring toys into school and only the essentials are brought to school.

Work and books moving between school and home will be kept to a minimum, but pupils will still have reading book to take home and some homework.

Breaktimes and lunchtimes will be staggered.

Lunches will be ordered in the classroom in the morning as usual but initially no hot food will be available. Lunches will be delivered to the classrooms for pupils to eat in their room. Lunch money can be brought to school by the pupil in an envelope with pupil’s name, class and amount written on the outside or dropped off at the office drop box. D&G hope to soon move to a cashless system.

Leaving times

Leaving times will be staggered.

P1 – 3:00 Pupils collected from outside the classroom by parents via MUGA gate

P1/2 – 3:05 Pupils collected from outside the classroom by parents via MUGA gate

P2/3 leave at 3:00 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P3 leave at 3:00 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P4 leave at 3:05 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P5 leave at 3:05 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P5/6 leave at 3:10 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P6/7 leave at 3:10 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground

P7 leave at 3:15 via the usual side gate. No parents allowed in the playground


Enhanced cleaning of the school has been arranged and the school will be cleaned constantly throughout the day.

Although social distancing between children is no longer required we ask that you remind your child/children to respect the 2m distancing between children and adults. Also that coughs and sneezes should be caught in a tissue or the crook of the elbow and not the hand.

Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. We will ask you to remove your child if they are coughing, appear to have a high temperature or seem unwell.

It is important that if a member of your family must self-isolate that the child does not attend school and we are informed that you are in isolation.

The arrangements above will be reviewed often and regularly. It is very likely that changes in procedure will be necessary but we will endeavour to keep you informed as soon as any decisions are made. We will all work hard to keep everyone safe in school and the systems put in place will help in doing this. I appreciate and thank you in advance for your usual support and patience as we navigate through our first few weeks back.

David Stevens

Head teacher

Agencies providing support for Pupils and Parents


·         BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) – BACP is a membership organisation that sets standards for therapeutic practice. Their online directory can be used to locate a professional counsellor, who will usually charge for their services. You can email them at:

  • Breathing Space – A confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed. Contact details: 0800 83 85 87 or
  • Child Bereavement UK – Child Bereavement UK supports families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Tel: 0800 028 8840
  • Cruse (Scotland) – bereavement support. Tel: 0808 808 1677
  • Mental Health Foundation – have specific advice about coronavirus, mental health in the workplace and mental health for children and young people. Link to their website here:
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 24-hour support (geared for women only) 0808 2000 247
  • NHS website with links to information about stress; anxiety, fear and panic; low mood, sadness and depression; loneliness; mental health at work; and bereavement, amongst other things:
  • Rape Crisis – for women only0808 801 0302 (6pm–12am daily)
  • Rape Crisis – Men’s advice line (men only) – confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence. Contact: 0808 801 0327
  • Relationships Scotland – Counselling, family mediation and child contact centres. Contact: 0345 119 2020
  • Samaritans – A confidential, non-judgemental listening service aimed at reducing distress and despair, particularly for those people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Tel: 116 123 (free to call from both landlines and mobiles)
  • SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) – improving your mental health, including information about mental health and the Equality Act 2010:
  • aims to ends the stigma and discrimination around mental health and has general tips on how to support someone during COVID-19. Link:
  • Young Minds – supporting the mental health of children and young people. Link here: []

Home Learning Letter 25th March

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing in response to comments from concerned parents; I am saying from and education point of view, please don’t panic about any work being sent home.

Our children are resilient, capable, adaptable and talented. This is a situation that we have not faced before and our priority it to work to keep children and adults safe.

Having said this, we would like, where possible, for pupils to log onto their Glow account and access the activities posted by their teacher.

There will be stresses and pressures on families but trying to home school should not be one of them; teachers and other adults will be working in different ways try to support families.

Teachers will send out more structured timetable of activities for pupils and families to access from next week. In the meantime, please keep an eye on Glow Teams every school day if possible. I have also attached the poster sent to you earlier “140 Thing To Do”. Remember, jigsaws, playing games, cooking exploring the garden are all parts of learning.

David Stevens