Home Learning Letter 25th March

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing in response to comments from concerned parents; I am saying from and education point of view, please don’t panic about any work being sent home.

Our children are resilient, capable, adaptable and talented. This is a situation that we have not faced before and our priority it to work to keep children and adults safe.

Having said this, we would like, where possible, for pupils to log onto their Glow account and access the activities posted by their teacher.

There will be stresses and pressures on families but trying to home school should not be one of them; teachers and other adults will be working in different ways try to support families.

Teachers will send out more structured timetable of activities for pupils and families to access from next week. In the meantime, please keep an eye on Glow Teams every school day if possible. I have also attached the poster sent to you earlier “140 Thing To Do”. Remember, jigsaws, playing games, cooking exploring the garden are all parts of learning.

David Stevens

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