Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

December 5, 2023
by Miss Douglas

The Community Safety Officer Visits Kirkcolm Primary

This morning we were visited by Andrew Hay, our communities safety officer who came in to speak to the boys and girl about the importance of looking after our wee village and town as part of our ongoing Eco Schools work, we are working on our target of managing litter and waste. 🙂
He spoke about littering, dog fouling and recycling and what we can do (or not do) to make sure we keep the village we call home clean and tidy! He spoke about the hefty penalties of littering and dog fouling and how these become more serious as we get older! and how these become more serious as we get older!

He left us with a little task to design a ‘stop litter’ poster to display around our local community!♻️ 🗑🚯
Thank you again Andrew for your fab presentation and excellent banter and jokes and a big thank you to Ms Whorlow for organising this. 
UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 24 Health Water, Food & Environment

December 4, 2023
by Mrs McHarg

Kirkcolm’s Christmas Coffee Morning

The Parent Council held their annual Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday. The boys and girls in both classes had been busy making Christmas crafts to sell as part of their enterprise projects, and practising some festive songs to entertain everyone with. Jack and Ivan (and his brother James!) very kindly made some wooden reindeer and a sleigh for a silent auction to help raise further funds.

A grand total of £1117.87 was raised – a huge well done to everyone who helped to organise and run the very successful Coffee Morning, and thank you to everyone who supported the event. We’re very grateful!

December 1, 2023
by Miss Douglas

Everyone Say CHEESE

On Thursday P5-7 from Kirkcolm and Portpatrick met at the Lactalis Cheese Factory in Stranraer to find out about the process of making and selling cheese🧀
First we were told all about the different products Lactalis makes and how many countries they ship they’re products to (it’s a lot!). After that, Kirkcolm went to see where they process the milk into cheese.

We got to learn that they first have to break the milk down into all it’s separate parts before putting it together to make cheese to make sure it’s always the same recipe. After the milk has been processed into cheese, it’s then vacuum sealed and put into a big store to mature. They said they had MILLIONS of pounds worth of cheese stored in there!🧀


Then we got to taste some cheeses From mild to extra mature and discuss how the aging process changes the taste of the cheese. 
After that we went to the packaging area and got to watch the matured cheeses being unboxed and packed into different products such as sliced cheese, cheese blocks and grated cheese.🧀
When we got back to the bus we were given a block of cheese to take home and some worksheets and a notebook too!
Thank you to everyone at Lactalis who made our day so fun and educational!🧀 
s f

November 29, 2023
by Miss Douglas

A visit from Glasgow Science Centre on Tour!

The boys and girls from P3-7 were delighted to have welcomed two representatives from Glasgow Science Centre today on their roadshow ‘Future Fuels’! They started of the afternoon with a brief introduction to explain what the plan, the boys and girls were very pleased this was pretty quick because all of the equipment they had brought along was looking very fascinating. 

They kicked off with a little demonstration of how fuel was created and harnessed in the past and why now it is so important that we find renewable energy sources instead. To show us why it’s important that we make this change they showed us an experiment involving methanol and the fire triangle and why it required oxygen, heat and fuel to work. The boys are girls were amazed at how only a very, very small amount of methanol can make sure a loud bang and this demonstrated how dangerous and destructive these fuels can be for our environment! 

Next we took part in lots of different practical activities and had fun exploring and investigating different renewable energy sources called ☀️🌊♻️- 
The windmill Kit
Directional Drilling
Solar Array
Crank Power
50 Hz
3 Phase Generator
Hand Crank Generator
Hydrogen Launcher

which blew our minds, made us think and  opened our eyes to the world of renewables in the future! A big thank you to the team from Glasgow Science Centre – what a fab afternoon we had 🙂! 

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 29 Aims of Education

Global Goal 13 – Climate Action 

November 21, 2023
by Ms Whorlow

PC Walker – Rights of the Child Talk

As part of World Children’s Day yesterday, the school was lucky enough to receive a visit from PC Shannon Walker. She came in to talk to everyone about the rights they have as a child living in Scotland including their right to food and shelter and their right to have their own opinions.
PC Walker answered lots of questions about different scenarios the children came up with and how their rights would be affected. She then talked about her job as a police officer and talked about all the different things she carries with her to protect herself and her own right to safety.
We were very lucky as she even let us get in the police car with the sirens on!
Thank you very much to PC Walker for taking the time to talk to us about our rights and helping us understand how important they are.
Miss McMorran


UNCRC Rights of the Child  – Article 17 Access To Information




November 21, 2023
by Archie Howard

Kirkcolm Eco Commitee

Recently Kirkcolm eco committee have been very busy. Last week we made a compost bin made from recycled plastic so we could put are food waste from the kitchen in it. Uncooked vegetables can go in there and then can be used in the garden. To help with recycling the eco committee are going to label the bins so that the plastic and paper is recycled and is not mixed up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     To help tackle the playground litter each week a new group will be assigned to do a litter pick to keep the playground nice and tidy. To encourage local wildlife we are planning to put up bird feeders to encourage little birds. We are going to label a bin so we can put are crisp packets in there so that they can be donated to keep people nice and warm.


Author – Archie Ashton (Digital Leader)

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 13: Sharing Thoughts Freely

November 17, 2023
by Miss Douglas

A Sea of Blue and Pudsey Ears at Kirkcolm Primary

While it looked like the bears had assembled for their annual picnic, instead the boys and girls arrived at school today wearing blue to support the Children in Need charity 🐻🍯 Throughout the week Alfie and Alistair have been going around the classes and nursery armed with Pudsey bear ears, badges, pens and wrist bands as well as quizzes and stickers. 

This morning we had a brief discussion about why we have been buying all this super cool merch (other than to look extremely cute). We watched a video clip and spoke about who receives our kind donations and how our money can help! 💙
P1-4 were busy today and yesterday making nice Pudsey Bear masks with the help of Mrs Chang which was great fun! 
One of our primary 7’s Alfie very kindly gave up his time to make a Children In Need quiz, which was very popular – but the lucky winner was Jack, well done to you! 
A big thank you must go to everyone at home for their support and very generous donations We are very pleased to announce that as a school we managed to raise a whopping £162 for a fantastic charity! 💙🐻
UNCRC – Article 26 Social & Economic Help


November 17, 2023
by Ms Whorlow

Skills Development Scotland

The boys and girls from the North Rhins Partnership had a visit to Skills Development Scotland today.

As part of Developing the Young Workforce, Lucy, Kathryn & Connor gave the pupils an overview of the careers services available at Stranraer Academy.

Our pupils learned that they will have a subject choice chat in S2, with follow up visits for each other year to help them plan career options more fully.  Lucy explained that Skills Development Scotland is available to everyone at any time in our community to help find jobs.

There was a mixer game where children played ‘Would You Rather?’ This was a game to help the children make careers decisions based on their preferences and interests.

They then played ‘Shark Island!’ In groups, the children had to decide which 3 of 5 people they would choose to help them escape from an island.  Their choices were based on the careers of the five individuals. There was a change of mind once more information was given on the people’s backgrounds. It was a very interesting discussion.

Hamish, Atticus and Cara volunteered to role play career characters. The children had to work out what jobs they might do based on their props and outfits.

Finally, we were shown the My World of Work careers advice website with industry sector information and job videos. It was very informative.

Our thanks to Skills Development Scotland team. Today was a great workshop for Developing the Young Workforce and for strengthening our pre-transition friendships.


UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 29 Aims of Education

November 17, 2023
by Mrs McHarg

Book Bags for P1-3

As part of our Book Week Scotland celebrations, P1-3 pupils all received a Bookbug (P1) or a Read, Write, Count (P2-3) bag this afternoon, as part of the Scottish Government and Scottish Book Trust initiative. Parents/carers popped into school to learn how to use the bags at home to make the most of the learning opportunities that they offer.

After pupils were gifted with their bags, everyone then spent the final 20-minutes of the day exploring and enjoying the contents of the bags. Pupils cosied up and read their new books, some played the dominoes card game, P1 pupils practised writing words and numbers on their new whiteboards, and others got their thinking caps on to have a go at the tricky tangram puzzles!

Please check school bags tonight for the wonderful resources that P1-3 pupils have brought home with them. And thank-you to everyone who took the time to come into school today. Have a keek at the photos below to see the fun that everyone had!

November 13, 2023
by Miss Douglas

Curling’s Cool!

Primary 7 from Portpatrick, Leswalt and Kirkcolm were treated to a fabulous curling experience at the North West Castle today.

The children were split into teams of 5 with each member allocated a role as either sweepers, throwers or a skip 🥌

Gail gave a motivating speech, sharing all of the success of our local curlers have had – helping to put Stranraer on the map!📍

After a warm up and a shot on the ice, children were put into teams. The winners were judged on the best performance out of eight tries of getting a stone as close to the target as possible.

There was a break for juice and biscuits kindly provided by the North West Castle. Our thanks to all the coaches and to the NWC for their kind hosting! 

Then it was time for the team games – all of the boys and girls worked well together to play a curling game, but the winners of the day were our very own Jack, Alfie and Danny – who have been wearing their medals with pride 🥇 – well done boys! 

Again, a big thanks to Gail and all at the NWC! Everyone had a fab afternoon – and you never know, maybe one of our little team will be the next future Stranraer curling  Olympians 🥌

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 15 Setting Up & Joining Groups

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