Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

September 8, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

“Back in My Day…”

As part of their topic ‘When Gran was Wee’, P1-4 have been looking at all things related to life long ago and exploring what life was like for children their age decades ago.

Part of this has been looking at the type of playground games boys and girls used to do to amuse themselves so they headed off outside today to take part in some hopscotch and marbles… There was not a bit of climbing or play equipment in sight. Just some good ole marbles and chalk!

As you can see from the photos – they looked like they had some good, old-fashioned fun! This might be a new trend we see in playground…?

September 4, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

Team ‘Tidy Up!’

In a bold effort by the upper primary pupils, we have banded together outside in an effort to tidy up the lovely but ever so overgrown gardens that span Kirkcolm Primary. Linking to our topic of Improving Our Local Community once again. 

The boys and girls got stuck in, tackling nettles armed with gardening gloves, taking down dead branches and barbed stems everywhere and disposing of it as best we can. 

We managed a fair dent before the bin started to get pretty full and we decided to call it a day before the skies opened again! Overall a successful mission but there still seems to be a lot of work ahead of us! 

Well done to P4-7 who showed once again today how hard working they can be! 

#Responsible Citizens and #Effective Contributors 

September 3, 2020
by Mrs McHarg

Pupil Responsibilities

Lots of pupils having been busy filling in applications and/or interviewing for various positions of responsibility in school over the last week. Today, all of the positions were announced – much to the delight of pupils who were desperate to find out!!

In our Pupil Council for this session, we have: Callum, Arran, Archie, Jack, Taylor, Luke and Arla (Arran and Taylor were absent today, so this may be news to them!!!)

Hopefully, helping to gain our second Eco Schools Green Flag in the Eco committee, we have: Emilie, Lyle, Danny, George, Emma, Alexander and Ruth

Our new monitors until January are:

Head librarians – Olivia T. and Olivia J.

Front door – Jane

Dinner hall – James


And finally, our House Captains (who had to prepare a speech explaining why they were the best person for the job) are: Zack for Loch Connell and Daniel for Corsewall. The boys did an amazing job at their speeches and everyone was impressed at how much thought and effort went into these.

Well done to everyone who applied for a position – it was a very difficult choice!!


August 28, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

P1-4 Get Measuring in the Sun!

Today P1-4 make good use of the nice weather that appeared out of nowhere (!) and headed outside with Miss Gibson for some outdoor maths! Their topic has been measure so they were tasked with going about the playground trying to find natural items or objects that were approximately 1cm long, 10cm long and a whopping 1 whole metre long! 

They boys and girls worked very hard at this and were very focused and seemed to enjoy their does of fresh air!

Here you can see them very hard at work..!

August 28, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

A Sunny Day for a Litterpick

As part of P4-7’s topic this term looking at ways to improve our local community we had a look at our very own grounds and realised that through Lockdown and the holidays they had fell into a bit of a disarray!

We set together in our groups armed with litter pickers and bin bags and tried to fix this problem and did an absolutely smashing job collecting 7 bags of rubbish (some fuller than others – it wasn’t quite that bad!) but still making a huge difference and now our playground is looking fresh and lovely and sparkling once again!

(At least until we finally brave shifting that sand pit…!)

Here are some photos of the pupils in action being eco-effective!

Stay posted for phase 2 in our mission… Gardening!

August 27, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

A Fond Farewell!

So after almost 4 years of working with us, we have sadly had to bid farewell to Mrs Jardine as she moves on to pastures new! Mrs Jardine has been working very hard over the past few years to work towards her qualification in childcare (hopefully inspired by how lovely the pupils are at Kirkcolm!) and she has now found a position working at Rephad giving all the boys and girls of their nursery all the attention and help they need! It is with a heavy heart we say goodbye to her and wish her the best of luck! 


August 27, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

The Belated Awards!

Today marks the day that the hard working boys and girls of Kirkcolm Primary have received their belated awards from all their tremendous work the previous school year! All you are all well aware, due to the circumstances at the time we couldn’t go ahead with our usual big bang leaving ceremony but we still badly wanted to acknowledge these wee souls for all the hard work they had put in!

Our awards winners include;

  • Phoebe Manson in P3 for achieving Gold in her STAR awards!
  • Archie Ashton in P3 for achieving Gold in his STAR Awards AND for being the Kirkcolm STAR Reader in P2!
  • Danny Dougan in P4 for being the Kirkcolm STAR Reader in P3 and achieving Gold in his STAR Awards!
  • Olivia Johnstone in P5 for being the Kirkcolm STAR Reader in P4!
  • Alexander MacPherson in P6 for achieving Gold in his STAR Awards!
  • Olivia Turtle in P6 for being the Kirkcolm STAR Reader in P5!
  • Zack Ashton for achieving Gold in his STAR Awards AND For being the P6 STAR Reader Across all 3 schools in the trio!

A massive congratulations to this fab bunch! You are all superstars and you deserve all your lovely little certificates and gifts for your hard work!

I hope you keep it up this year!


August 12, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

Back in Maroon Once Again!

At last! – Kirkcolm primary was back open and filled to the brim with happy smiling faces. Teachers were delighted to have their classes full again after sitting empty for so long and pupils were over the moon to see their friends again and to get back to their old routines.

It was a bit strange for us all adjusting with these new rules set in place but all seemed to cope fine and we were just glad to be back and what a topper of a day to be back for! Lots of sun shining down on us all day long!

Pupils had an easy going day with a lovely stroll down the beach at the end of the day to create some sand art! Here you can see the photos of some of the amazing works done by pupils – we had everything from 3D sharks to mermaids to the Kirkcolm School emblem! Truly we are blessed here in this village with such beautiful surroundings everywhere…

We were delighted to welcome new pupils Caulder and Arran and returning pupil, Lexi back into the school!

Finally, a massive Kirkcolm welcome to our additional new 7 primary 1 pupils! Paige, Rebecca, Jessica, Cameron, Emilie, Harry and Callum are fab additions to our happy wee family here!

Here are some photos from the day…

July 1, 2020
by Mrs Morrison

A Proper Send Off!

Well Pupils and parents of Kirkcolm primary – that is us finally at the end of this weird and chaotic term! We have been through the strangest of times and we still come out the other side happy and smiling – just goes to show what a tough bunch we are.

All the pupils have been so hard working during this time and put their best effort in despite these conditions and us staff have been so proud of you all. While we are sad we won’t be saying goodbye the way we should at the end of the school year – we know we will see you all after the holidays and pick up where we left off!

Sadly – however – this is not a case for our lovely P7 pupils who won’t be joining us in August as they embark on new adventures at the Academy…

So we felt they deserved a special send off! We all gathered together staff, parents and pupil alike to think back on the good times we have had over the past few years and wish them well for the future! (socially distanced – of course!) 

Many a giggle was had, gifts were shared, glasses clinked and we got to enjoy photos of them through the ages as they passed through Kirkcolm and feel truly blessed that, even if this year wasn’t quite what it should of been, we are so thankful for the years passed we have spent together. 

Even though they may not be coming back to us in August – they know to check in with us as much as they can! What a bright happy bunch! We are terribly sad to lose you but you are ready for the next steps in life and the academy don’t know how lucky they are..! 


Click on this link for the p7 photo montage

Best of luck from all of us here at Kirkcolm Primary !!!


May 13, 2020
by Mrs Baillie

Lockdown life video

Our wee team have very been creative during lockdown and all came together to create our special video.  Everyone was given a special word to create a piece of word art at home.  No-one knew what it would say when it all came together.  Once put together we have a fabulous poem and message to all.

Have a watch and you will see our creative, happy children in the glorious setting of their homes .

We are so proud of each and every person for the part they play in our family of schools.

Click here to see us in action 🙂

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