Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

May 11, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

Gaspard’s Foxtrot – Show Time!

Gaspard’s Foxtrot Concert went live this week and the boys and girls spent a relaxing afternoon listening to the story and the accompanying musical score.

Afterwards we reflected on how well the orchestra as was able to create music that went so well with the story and helped bring it all to life!

We are very thankful for Scotland’s National Orchestra for creating this piece of music and live sessions to go along with it!

May 7, 2021
by Mrs McHarg

Police Safety Talks in the Sunshine!

The boys and girls made the most of the lovely weather this afternoon and sat out in the sunshine with PC Wilson and PC Rush for some police safety talks.

P4-7 went first for an internet safety chat. After discussing the various types of social media they are aware of, they learned all about how to keep themselves safe online, including the reasons for not sharing personal information; how to make a secure password and why you shouldn’t share it with anyone; and the importance of not talking to strangers online.

P1-4 then headed outside for their road safety talk – very topical given our up and coming Mini Walk! They learned all about the Green Cross Code and practised how to cross the road from the safety of the playground. They were then given a special treat (at Miss Douglas’ request!) and got to see the police car with the siren and lights in action!!

Thank you to both PC Wilson and PC Rush for taking the time to come in and speak to the pupils and encouraging them to be responsible citizens.

May 4, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

Gaspard’s Foxtrot

Today P4-7 joined in with a Live Lesson session with the lovely people from the RSNO – Scotland’s National Orchestra. 

This involved an interactive session in which the pupils engaged in vocal warm ups and game with the staff from RSNO and as well as that they explored the affect music can have on you. The different ways it can make you feel. 

The follow up session involves the class actually getting to see the concert; Gaspard’s Foxtrot and we are all very excited! For some of us – it will even be our first orchestral concert! (me!) 

Here are some photos of the pupils getting warmed up and ready to go… 

April 23, 2021
by Mrs McHarg

Keeping Kirkcolm Tidy!

The boys and girls donned their hi-vis vests and headed down to the beach this afternoon to carry out a litter pick, as part of our Eco Schools work.

We gathered 2 whole bin bags full of rubbish – we found rope, plastic bottles, sweetie wrappers, dog poop bags – we even found a shoe! There also was much hilarity when Alexander found someone’s pants!!

A big thank-you to the ONUS group for letting us borrow their litter pickers. And a huge well done to the boys and girls for being responsible citizens and keeping their community clean and tidy!

April 21, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

A Feis Ros Collaboration

As some of you may have seen or heard, the pupils of P4-7 spent their Lockdown Remote schooling working with the lovely Feis Ros duo, this involved a series of remote Teams lessons through the week and gave a lovely singing uplift to the dreary lockdown weeks.!

The time together was summarised with an audio postcard – a collaboration between the Feis Ros team and the pupils, in which pupils told the story of ‘The Phantom Piper of Dunskey Castle’ and then the Feis Ros duo overlaid different music to this and bundled it up into a cute wee postcard!

We have finally received our audio postcards and each pupil was sent home with one! Just scan the QR code on a smart phone and it’ll take you to the link with the audio.

There are a lot more of these at school so please help yourselves!

Here are some photos of all the pupils with their audio cards and the selected team whose voices and artwork feature on the postcard – Great work troops!


April 19, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

A big thank you to the lovely people of Active Schools in Wigtownshire for supplying us with our very own letters to make up our Kirkcolm Alphabet Street! 

This has been an ongoing challenge in Stranraer now for weeks, funded by Police Scotland,  Active Schools and the Millenium Centre which sought to get us all active and out there walking, running or on our bikes during lockdown! 

This means the schools in the area will be able to post these up and create their own challenges or participate in any challenges set by Active Schools.

Here is a photo of the pupils spelling out the best wee village using the letters… 🙂 

April 16, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

Fresh Air Friday Fun

Not wanting to waste a second of this beautiful day, the boys and girls indulged in some Fresh Air Friday activities as part of their outdoor learning.

P1-4 took their P.E outside today and P4-7 ventured outside with Miss Gibson to create some art based on Andy Goldsworthy and they did such a fab job – we just had to share it on the blog!

See below for the photos of the fab art and a thank you to Mrs Warwick for the idea!

March 19, 2021
by Mrs Morrison

Comic Relief!

As you are all well aware as you sent your wee ones out in either; super human costumes or their own casual wear – today was Comic Relief at Kirkcolm! This years theme was Superheros (so undies over trousers has been permitted), this was because everyone is a superhero in their own and some of the boys and girls at Kirkcolm have fully embraced this! 

The House captains went about with their wee money tub and took donations for wearing no uniform as well as selling the Biodegradable red noses and some masks courtesy of Mrs Macpherson’s time and effort! 

In the afternoon we enjoyed a Talent Show across all three of the partnership schools! Pupils from Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick all sent in their Talent Show videos showcasing their amazing abilities and we were all super wowwed with the skills spread out across the North Rhins and it was not easy to choose a champion but we are all delighted for… Taylor Smith – Our Kirkcolm Winner with a hilarious spoof video! Keep an eye out for the fab Mrs Jamieson compiling the videos together for all your viewing! 

A whopping total of £110 has been raised by the troops at Kirkcolm – not bad for a country school and all contributes to a great cause! 

See the photos below for some of the fun…

March 15, 2021
by Mrs Baillie

Back to school for p4-7

Yay – we’re all back together!!! After what seems like a life time, P4-7 pupils returned to school today for the first time since mid-December (can you believe it’s been that long?!)

It was lovely to see all these cheery faces at the school door this morning and the sun even made an appearance to celebrate the occasion! Everyone is super happy to be back with their friends and teachers, and we’re ready and raring to go!

March 12, 2021
by Mrs McHarg

Super Science Week!

Another week, another celebration! This time it was the turn of British Science Week, which ran from 8th – 13th March and had the theme of ‘Innovating for the Future.’

P1-3 pupils celebrated the week from school with various STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) activities on offer and also learned about inventors who changed the world. Pupils were given a challenge to make a boat to carry passengers and also made their own lava lamps. They also did the coke and Mentos experiment (it exploded too quickly – much to the delight of the pupils! – so we didn’t manage to get any photos of this!!).

Meanwhile, P4-7 were busy celebrating the Science Week from home, in their final week of remote learning. They had lots of different challenges to choose from, including: putting their STEM skills into action to design a solution to a real-life problem linking to the Global Goals; various science experiments and engineering challenging such as designing a marble run, making their own paint, powering a boat using a chemical reaction and creating an underwater volcano; learning about stereotypes and exploring the world of work in relation to STEM careers; and exploring innovations that changed the world. Some pupils did their own experiments, including Callum & Danny who explored how to make slime (although Mum reported it looked and smelled a lot like mashed up entrails – lovely!!!).

We all had a brilliant week thinking about and exploring problems like real-life scientists and engineers!

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