Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

September 1, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

The Rugby Commences!

On Monday this week, we were very lucky to have Neve from Wigtownshire Rugby Club coming in to coach the pupils of P5-7 in some rugby skills! Neve taught us some new rugby skills and got us developing our throwing and catching abilities, our dodging abilities and even some (safe!) tackling abilities! We all had good fun – even if it was a bit hot!

This is the start of a 6 week block of lessons and Kirkcolm will be out every Monday on that playing field – so please remember appropriate P.E Kit and trainers for a Monday!

August 18, 2022
by Ms Whorlow

RSPB Wild Challenge – Silver Award!

Starting off our new school year, we are pleased to announce we have been awarded our RSPB Wild Challenge Silver Award.  This is as a result of all the hard work of our pupils in promoting biodiversity in our school grounds.

Our children had to complete six challenges both to help nature and experience nature, all of which promotes Learning for Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals and good health and wellbeing.

Kirkcolm Primary for Silver

Feedback from the RSPB is as follows:

Congratulations on achieving your Silver Wild Challenge award! We loved your Biodiversity Action plan and were very impressed with all you hard work. Thank you for your amazing efforts. Every action you take makes a real difference. We hope you thoroughly enjoyed learning through nature on your journey to your award.

Well done everyone!

# Effective Contributors & Responsible Citizens

July 1, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

Our Final Week Together…

This has been a jam packed week to celebrate our final time together with the 10 super star P7 pupils and the classes we are currently in.

How amazing it has been to have a normal school year, totally uninterrupted by any external; factors, and to go back to a sense of normality at last! One of the biggest signs of finally returning to normal was being able to open our doors once again to the parents and grans and grampas and anybody else who fancied it, to attend our Closing Ceremony on Wednesday! 

We spent the entire afternoon celebrating all the fantastic achievements of the past year and wow – was there a lot. From our Super STAR Readers, to our teacher delegated awards, the Rainbow Spelling/Tables Awards and the STAR Award GOLD Certificate! The pupils of Kirkcolm really cleaned up house this year!

We also hope we delighted you with some of our singing (I am sure yopu missed that!) so we had been working very hard this past term to learn the hymns as well as our rendition of Hello Goodbye by The Beatles and our own Kirkcolm version of The Wellerman Song! Available for event hire if you are at all interested… 

To round off the ceremony, we bid a tearful goodbye to our (giant) P7 babies, as they head on off to the Academy! We gave them their yearbooks and their leavers hoodies and celebrated just how much they have grown over the years with the Photostory! 

Finally on Friday (the actual last day!) we enjoyed a nice chilled out day watching films, getting our classrooms all tidied up for summer and spending that ever so important final few hours together before a lengthy summer apart.

We were very much treated in the end by George Keith who kindly donated his Bouncy Castle Assult Course win to us to have fun on and finally, the day was rounded off by a tasty ice cream in the sun courteous of the fantastic ladies of the Parent Council. 

We can’t even begin to thank everyone for helping to contribute to the fantastic year we have all had together, from pupils to parents to teachers, staff and cooks – it has all came together to be a fantastic year together and what a perfect day to finish it off. Here’s to many more years of normality – may we never take it for granted ever again! 

Have am amazing summer folks and we will see you again in August! P7’s, you have been a delight and keep on doing great things! 

-All Kirkcolm Staff 🙂 

Once again – a Huge Thanks to everyone involved for the end of year treats! You are all stars and we are such a blessed wee community and team!

July 1, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

Celebrating Students Past!

Felt it very, very necessary to pop up a wee post to say a huge congratulations to past students Ruth Turtle, Danny Lyon and Ellie Miller – who all managed to secure a Pupil of the year title at the Stranraer Academy Awards! 3 out of 6 awards is outstanding for this wee school. 

We feel very blessed to have gotten to know/teach these wonderful (not so wee anymore) people and see what fantastic young adults they’re turning into – You may not sport the burgundy anymore but that’s how we will always remember you! 

Here’s a look back at some simpler times with them… (I can’t imagine they’ll be overly amused at these photos but oh well!) 😀 

June 29, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

Hurrah for Heads of Ayr!

Nice early start for us at Kirkcolm on Monday as we got suited and booted to go galavanting off to Heads of Ayr Farm Park for our school trip this year, and a smashing choice of location for all involved! 

After a some what lengthy bus drive we finally arrived at our destination and bundled off to enjoy some of the attractions. We got to walk around and enjoy all of the animals and wildlife the farm park had to offer. From the large pigs lounging around, the wild meerkats keeking their heads up and the lemurs with their bright eyes – it was an amazing experience for all. 

Not to mention the other attractions; sliding down hills on our doughnuts, zipping along the flying fox, exhausting ourselves on the trampoline and bouncing pillows and making use of all the gigantic and fantastic play park the area had to offer! Somewhere in-between all this we managed to fit in have our lunch in their lovely large cafe under the watchful eyes of some very cute and tiny primates!

We even got to round off our day in the large indoor play area complete with some very fun (and terrifying in my opinion…) slides and lots of obstacles to navigate around! Didn’t take long for myself and Miss Douglas to get the shoes kicked off to join in the fun! (it was truly exhausting, I have no idea how they do it for so long…) 

Finally, we toddled off to our bus exhausted and ready to get home and rest but very happy after a fun day out! What a great way to kick off the final week of school before the summer holidays and a 10/10 experience for everyone who went! 

June 20, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

Water Sports for the Trio!

On the 20th Of June 2022 Kirkcolm, Leswalt, and Portpatrick P7’s travel to Agnew park to participate in fun water games and water sports, held by Stranraer Water Sports Association (SWSA, For short)

After they loaded off the bus they went to meet the staff and equipped their wet suits.

They then enjoyed a few games before getting their life jackets on ready to have some great fun!

Then after all that and safety talk it’s finally time to hit the water! They enjoy splashing and kicking the water, almost making sure their shoes get soaked, until it’s time to submerge the rest of their body. Again assuring to get completely wet.

After the joyous screaming had passed it was time to move onto paddle boarding and kayaking! This was performed in two separate groups.


By the time that was over it was time to get their lunch bags, and dig in!!

As the saying goes, time flies by, and with all the excitement it quickly went on to heading back to the water and going on a final paddle board trip as a whole to take on a raft making challenge by joining all the paddleboards together.

Then after the long day of fun and games they ended it with some ice cream and a calm bus ride home.

Thank you to the instructors and volunteers at the watersports centre.  Thank you too to Mr White for our ice-cream treat!

-Taylor Smith (p7) and reporter extraordinaire!

Some Photos from our Resident Photographer as well:

June 17, 2022
by Ms Whorlow

Clean Air Day 2022

Kirkcolm pupils came together to mark Clean Air Day yesterday as part of our Learning for Sustainability and Eco Schools activities.

We participated in a whole school assembly to learn about the factors that can lead to air pollution, how this can impact on our health and what we can do to reduce air pollution and support both healthy human and wildlife diversity.

Some suggestions from the children were:

  • Reduce car use – walk or cycle instead
  • Move towards electric forms of transport
  • Use public transport instead of private cars
  • Grow your own fruit and veg
  • Try to by locally grown food
  • Use non-carbon burning fuel for heating

Have a look at some of the wonderful ideas our clever cookies have come up with:

















We then studied different kinds of lichen.  We learned that some are:

  • Pollution Haters – Can only grow in clean air conditions
  • Pollution Lovers – Can grow in polluted air conditions

(Click to enlarge)

The children went outdoors on a lichen hunt, classifying the types we observed growing in our school grounds.  We are pleased to report that we found lots of examples of the pollution hating, clean air loving lichen.  This demonstrates that we have good air quality!

# Successful Learners


June 10, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

An Afternoon Litterpicking!

Well today we decided to join forces with Leswalt and venture out on a litter pick in keeping in line with our Eco Schools plan and looking after our local area!

…Turns out our Local Area is very well looked after already as there was very little litter waiting to be found – to the point many pupils were ready to deem seaweed a piece of litter!? (‘The fish could get caught up in it’ …well I can’t actually argue with that!)

How blessed are we to have such a beautiful local area, free from anything ruining it! Let’s hope it stays that way but if there are ever any issues – you know what schools are ready and raring to go!

Big thank yous to all the mummies who came along to help out – Wilma, Ashley and Lucy were our Kirkcolm representatives – thank you for tagging a long with us and helping to litter spot!

A small flurry of pictures before the rain caught us in the end!

June 10, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

Castles! Castles! Castles!

How lucky are we to be a hosting a visit from the lovely Kathryn Purchase for another amazing History Alive Session in our wee school – The younger class’s topic is Castles this session so Kathryn came along to deliver her expertise knowledge in the field! 

Pupils sat beautifully for a chat and information session, getting to pick Kathryn’s brain and learn lots about their new topic! After that, the hands on session begun and as you can see, they wasted no time getting stuck into the props that Kathryn brought along…

A big thank you for History Alive for always being willing to come see us and providing such an exciting opportunity for the pupils – they really get to see and learn how Castle and Knights existed in those days and it makes for such a magical experience.

What a super start to the morning for P1-4! 

June 8, 2022
by Mrs Morrison

A Successful Sports Day!

My oh my, we are counting our lucky stars here at Kirkcolm Primary that after that awful rain the night before, the skies cleared, the sun peeked out and by the end we were all sweltered!

After it being a bit touch and go today, we were happy to batter on and host another very successful sports day in our lush green grounds! Today marked a special occasion in being able to invite mums and dads, grannies and grandpas, uncles, aunties, neighbours – whoever(!) to come watch the boys and girls give it their all today! 

From where we were standing, it was obvious that the boys and girls had been practising hard and the quality of good sportsmanship was amazing – we were cheering on our friends and relatives and clapping every single person through that finish line so regardless of if they came away with a sticker and a place or not – they have all been absolute winners today in our eyes! 

Here are some photos of the fun today! Well done Kirkcolm! 

The results are as follows:

Order of races – Kirkcolm – June 22

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