Well, I’m sure as the tokens may have hinted to you, it was World Book Day this week! A day to celebrate all things wonderful associated with the world of reading!
Since we have our wee P1-3 pupils back in, we were still able to celebrate this with them! The morning started off with discussing what World Book Day and why reading is important. The boys and girls shared lot’s of information about their favourite books and why they liked reading. We talked about why stories are important because they don’t restrict us to where and when we are right now – we can go anywhere!
Later on in the morning the boys and girls took part in the live World Book Day assembly where we got to hear from famous authors and illustrators like Tom Fletcher, Joseph Coelho, Fiona Lumber and Lydia Monks with special guest Rob Biddulph. We learnt about the inspiration and thought that goes into writing a book.
We also read a good few stories over the course of the day in our ‘DEAR’ sessions (Drop Everything And Read) which helped inspire our art in the afternoon… I am sure many of you have seen the snakes they popped home with! 😀
Not forgetting our P4-7 pupils who celebrated World Book Day from home – they were also given a range of activities to pick from to join in on the fun. On offer were tasks such as the Masked Reader, designing their favourite character from fruit/veg/a toilet roll tube, a Big Booky Breakfast, and lots more!
Here are a couple of photos of the pupils taking part in the assembly… 🙂
A submission from Taylor!