Lots of pupils having been busy filling in applications and/or interviewing for various positions of responsibility in school over the last week. Today, all of the positions were announced – much to the delight of pupils who were desperate to find out!!
In our Pupil Council for this session, we have: Callum, Arran, Archie, Jack, Taylor, Luke and Arla (Arran and Taylor were absent today, so this may be news to them!!!)
Hopefully, helping to gain our second Eco Schools Green Flag in the Eco committee, we have: Emilie, Lyle, Danny, George, Emma, Alexander and Ruth
Our new monitors until January are:
Head librarians – Olivia T. and Olivia J.
Front door – Jane
Dinner hall – James
And finally, our House Captains (who had to prepare a speech explaining why they were the best person for the job) are: Zack for Loch Connell and Daniel for Corsewall. The boys did an amazing job at their speeches and everyone was impressed at how much thought and effort went into these.
Well done to everyone who applied for a position – it was a very difficult choice!!