Our school vision and values are to ‘REACH for the Stars!’ At a previous meeting, the Pupil Council discussed how we could momentum going with this and continue to remind everyone since we were unable to have school assemblies. We also considered how we could share it with the wider school community, including parents given that they aren’t allowed into the building at the moment.
The boys and girls of the Pupil Council were very creative and decided they wanted to make a video to share with you all! This will introduce parents to the learning superheroes, whose mottos spell out ‘REACH’, and will allow class teachers to share it with pupil to remind them too.
A huge well done to Luke and Taylor who took on the job of creating this video! Copy the link below and paste it into a web browser to view it. We hope you enjoy the video! Perhaps you could use it to talk to your child about their learning, or ask them what learning superhero were they today at school? Enjoy!