
Learning in Primary 5

Digital Technologies

We have been learning how to use Botley, a wee robot as well as a programmable mouse.  If you want to work Botley or the mice, you need to be able to program them.  We had to input an algorithm (a fancy word for instructions) to make them go. Max said, ‘I really enjoyed playing with the mouse!’  Noah M said, ‘I loved to use the algorithm with Botley.’  Georgia told us that Botley was the cutest little robot she had ever met!  Aiden said, ‘I really wanted to use Botley, but was happy with mice!’




Remembrance Day – 11th November 2021

We made Poppy wreaths using crepe paper and cardboard to celebrate Remembrance Day.  We gave these to Tesco at the Peel Centre to decorate their store.  We also used our best handwriting to write out the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’  Did you see our work in Tesco?


Outdoor Learning

First of all we were introduced to the loppers and secateurs and taught how to use them sensibly and safely.  Then we had to go and collect 4 sticks and a measuring tape to measure the sticks to 1m long.  We used the cutting tools to cut them.  Finally, we used the sticks to create a 1 metre square.






Spring Is here, Summer Is Near! P6




In Maths with Mrs Sim we have been learning about making different types of graphs. These include bar charts, line graphs and more. We each planted a sunflower to see how much they grow over 6 weeks. Some are bigger than others but that’s ok! So far some are taller than 10cm (Centimeters).

In Maths with Mrs Clanachan we are working on fractions, percentages and decimals. We have been simplifying and finding equivalent fractions.

We asked 6 pupils in our class to give us a couple of sentence about maths.

“In maths I enjoy doing negative numbers because I find them easy and I love counting.” Lily Blair.

“I enjoy learning about decimals, fractions and percentages because I find them challenging but also sometimes easy.” Poppy Watson.

“I enjoy maths because  I get to go out the class and learn stuff that I need to get better at.” Lily Williamson.

“I enjoy adding and subtracting decimals.” Ruari Kirkpatrick.

“In maths I really enjoy adding and subtracting decimals because it is very easy for me and it is fun”. Abbie Laidlaw.

” I enjoy doing maths because I like doing fractions, decimals and percentages.” Tyler Gallagher.


In literacy, we have been learning about




We asked 7 pupils in our class to tell us  why they enjoy literacy.

“In literacy we write  imaginative writing. I like to do imaginative writing.” Keira Williamson.

“In literacy I enjoyed writing character descriptions and imagery writing.”  Jay Ross.

“In Literacy we have been (most recently)  doing imagery which I really enjoyed. We had to look at photos and make a paragraph/description.” Elijyah Astley

“I enjoy imaginative writing because I can make my own story.” Macey Steel.

“I enjoy literacy because it makes me happy.”Callum Corner.

“In literacy, I enjoy imaginative writing.” Alicia Donald.


In ICT we have been creating PowerPoints about our recent work on Christianity.

The Ten commandments by Faith and Bradley

(Left click to see their PowerPoint and then click the link)

Christianity by Josh and Tyree

(Left Click to see their power point and then click the link) 🙂


P6 Young Leaders

Chloe and Scarlett are our young Digital Leaders and they taught us how to use scratch an online coding website

Here is the link address for scratch…

(Highlight then copy and paste into your search bar)