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P4/5 Term 3.

In primary 4/5 they have been learning a lot. They have been learning about symmetry  they now know that symmetry is the same on both sides when you reflect it over.


The class have also been doing money. They did change and they have also been calculating the total amounts of the end calculation.

                                  Fern                                                                              Alex

Primary 4/5 did a lot with Miss Atkinson (their student teacher.) They thought it was very fun to have a student teacher in to help them learn in different ways and use different strategies from a different teacher.

In class they also did a lot of art. Here are some examples:

They did mountains with lochs with chalk pastels.


P1/2 Term 3

P1/2 have been very busy in term3  with their learning

In maths p1/2 have  been learning about money, Mrs Caven was teaching them money for this term.

In languages p1/2 have been learning numbers in French from 1 to 10.

In literacy p1/2 have been learning how to spell a word while writing it.

In IDL  p1/2 have been learning  about  water and electricity.




Term 3 Food with Miss Anderson

On Thursday  some people went  to Primary 3/4 to learn about germs. So they got into groups of 4. They next thing they did was got a piece of bread and they went to some places to make it dirty.  Then they talked about what has germs on it and what does not. They next watched a video  about how to keep the food nice and clean.

The next week they saw what the bread had turned into and thought that is what germs could do to you. They binned it because it was so soggy and green the green part is fungus. They left it out for 7 days to see what happened to it.

They also went up to the Primary 5/6 class room and tried some different foods. Primary 5/6 classroom had made an American diner for the younger ones to try out!

Everyone really enjoyed this and hope to do something like it again soon.

Term 3 Community with Mrs McNay

The first thing we did in community was we made a role-play about the consequences of parking in the drop off zone.

The second week we made posters about inconsiderate drivers parking in the drop off zone and a lot of people used a slogan which they made up which was go FAR with your car. Some people’s posters were put up outside near the drop off zone.

The third week we went outside and we were digging up the weeds in the garden plots and some people managed to plant some plants.

The last week we did a lot more planting and we planted onion bulbs and potatoes and overall it was a really interesting four weeks and everyone enjoyed it!

P6/7 Term 3

In term 3 P6/7 have been very busy.Image result for numeracy


In numeracy this term P6/7 have been focusing on percentages. They learnt how to successfully find a percentage of an amount and use this skill to find the cheapest price when completing a budgeting task.

                                                              Literacy Image result for literacy cartoon

This term in literacy p6/7 have been learning how  to add speech marks to text. They used their new found skill in a news articles when they wrote on the World War Two blitz.

Health and wellbeingImage result for health and wellbeing

In health and wellbeing P6/7 have been focussing on the rights of a child and how we show this at Heathhall. They were also tasked to pair all the rights of a child with our values (Fairness, Achieving and Respect) on a mind map.

IDL      See the source image

In IDL this term P6/7 have been learning about WWII and the horrific effects of it. They had to write a newspaper article on the Aberdeen bombings or the Clydebank bombings with quotes and a picture.



Devils Porridge Trip!

On the 12th of March, P5/6 and P6/7 went to The Devils Porridge for a school trip. they explored what life would’ve been like back in the war. For example they listened to the air sirens, went into the Anderson shelters, wore some clothes from the war and even ate some carrot cakes! They were given a tour guide which helped them navigate the museum and learn about the Gretna bombing and how it effected peoples lives. Here are some pictures