All posts by Tyler

Art /Angles

On Thursday 14th primary 4/5 made a  Piece of   art . They first  got these colours  turquoise, yellow, dark blue, dark green  and  white. These colours helped us make the colour of the water. The next day they got some  paper and it was these  colours light green, dark green, purple and a pinky colour. They folded them into balls and stuck them on and did the same with the middle to make them look like lily pads. Next they  let them dry after they were dry  they put them together to make them look like a pond with lily pads. They also did  another piece of art with chalkpastels.

Then they moved onto Angles they now know there are Reflex Angle, Right  Angle, Obtuse Angle. They have been playing a game on the computers called Alien Angles they play it when they have finished some times. They have been doing some quizzes to test their skills on the white boards and it was quite challenging  for some of  them but they tried their best.



Term 3 Food with Miss Anderson

On Thursday  some people went  to Primary 3/4 to learn about germs. So they got into groups of 4. They next thing they did was got a piece of bread and they went to some places to make it dirty.  Then they talked about what has germs on it and what does not. They next watched a video  about how to keep the food nice and clean.

The next week they saw what the bread had turned into and thought that is what germs could do to you. They binned it because it was so soggy and green the green part is fungus. They left it out for 7 days to see what happened to it.

They also went up to the Primary 5/6 class room and tried some different foods. Primary 5/6 classroom had made an American diner for the younger ones to try out!

Everyone really enjoyed this and hope to do something like it again soon.

Hockey in Primary 4/5

P4/5 have been doing hockey for P.E . We have been learning how to tackle, pass, shoot and dribble. They got taught by Mr Alison and the High School pupils have been coming to help us develop our hockey skills. The pupils have been playing some little mini games with them.

We always get excited for Thursdays because the high school people are coming in . The high school pupils are very kind  to us  and they tell us if  we are  doing something that we need to work on. This means we are able to improve and develop the skills they tell us we need to work on!