All posts by Rhys

P5/6 First Three Weeks

We have been working on multiplying and dividing by 10/100/1000 by making the number bigger or smaller.

We have been writing letters about us for our pen pals that go to Holston primary in Ayr.

Our class book is the BFG and we drew the BFG and labelled all the parts using the text.

We have been working on describing and summarising the characters from Christophe’s story.

With Mrs Sim we have been talking about how we feel with our masks on and off and have been talking about Healthy eating habits.

We have been researching about different animals all around the world and have been writing descriptive paragraphs about our 3 animals.

With Mrs Sloan we have been subtracting and adding 100 and 1000 using the formal written method.