All posts by James

P7 Return To School

Since returning from home learning back to Primary 7 all the children have been very busy. We are all really happy to be back in school with our friends.

In numeracy, we have been doing work on Numeracy Ninjas. Numeracy Ninjas is where we have to answer 30 questions as accurately as we can in order to work towards a black belt. Also in numeracy we have been working on percentages in number talks and mental maths.  Also in numeracy we have been collecting, displaying and analysing data. We have used Microsoft Forms and Excel to do this. We have also been looking at finance and interest rates.

In literacy, we have been working on our persuasive techniques to develop our writing. We wrote letters to Aldi or Marks and Spencers regarding the argument with Cuthbert and Collin the Caterpillars, we looked at different persuasive techniques. We created persuasive adverts about a custom product using the green screen. We also chose issues that were important to us and structured debates.

Also in literacy we have been looking at different types of poetry. We made Sonnets about Spring and Lockdown Life. When writing the Sonnets we had to think about syllables, rhyme and imagery.

Also in literacy we did creative writing on a villain we created and drew. We had to focus on adjectives, setting and characterisation.

In HWB, we have been learning about menstruation, we have been learning about the cycle and strategies to improve our mental health.

In P.E we have been practising for sports day. We have been taking part in different activities that count towards sports champion. Mr Alison came in and taught us some ball games.

In art, we learned about the techniques the artist Georgia ‘O’ Keefe used and we also created our own flower art. Following on from learning about the 1970’s we created our own pop art in the style of Andy Warhol.

We have learning about the digestive system and the different organs in the human body and their functions.

When we returned to school we created our own tree of life to share information about ourselves.

In digital technologies, we are learning how to create an animation in coding.

Primary 7 have been extremely busy since we got back from home schooling as you can see. We are looking forward to the rest of our term in Primary 7.

P6 Curling!

On Monday 18th of November all the P6’s went to the ice bowl for a lesson on curling. They all went onto the ice and started off by doing a warmup which was mainly composed of sliding across the ice with the curling stones. Once we’d done all of that with the stones we got to use an arrow, and after that we did a run up and then slid. Not long after that we got a goal thing, you got a certain amount of points depending on which flap you hit.

So then we had our lunch and then we had to play a bunch of games. These games included: rock, paper, scissors, giant Jenga, bowling with curling stones, sliding with the stones and just having fun in general.


P5 went to New Lanark!

On Wednesday 27th of March P5 went to New Lanark as part of their topic on the Victorians.

We did a lot on our school trip  including a ride, a tour and a class role play. We started the day with a class role play from the Victorian times. In the role play we did arithmetic ,writing and drill (Maths literacy and P.E). We got to write on slate our name and date . We also wrote the alphabet in cursive. We did  Maths on a slate with a slate pencil. They for some reason had a crocodile. (fake) After that the teacher made us try and guess which country she was pointing at on the map. Next  we did some Victorian style dancing .

We  did a 12 minute ride it was about a girl called Annie McLeod and how she lived and worked in mill.

After that we went on a tour with a woman called Lesley. First of all in the tour she took us to see the mill and told us that girls had to go under the machines and pull out clumps of wool so that they wouldn’t jam the machine and had to get out quickly so that their hair wouldn’t get caught. Lesley told us that it was girls who had to fix and work the machine because they were small and nimble while the boys did all the carrying and lifting. Once that was over Lesley took us into one of the houses, they were tiny there was one window to a house and they were only one room. Next we went to a house a bit later in time, (the first was in the Victorian era this one was around the time of WW1) this one was two rooms and two windows but was still quite small. Finally before leaving went to the town store where the people who lived there could get all the essentials they needed. All that was left to do after that was go back to the school. We all had a great day!