All posts by Hannah

Food and Health Skills Academy


In Term 1 a group of kids went to Mrs Brown’s class for Food and Health. They started off by looking at food labels. They looked at the colours on labels, sugar and energy. They then got into partners and sorted them with all Greens, Oranges and Reds.

In week 2  we then started to form/make our picnics. They had to make their picnic as healthy as possible. They had to add things that they could cut/make. Also they got a Tesco woman to come in. She taught them about how all the foods we eat come from different places and how it is better to eat things that come from the UK since getting them from another place can pollute the world.

In week 3 they then made pizzas with all British items they could find.  They then worked as a team to create a pizza. Each member who made the pizza got a slice at the end.

In week 4, the last week  they  started to make their picnic. Everything they have bought they have to be able to pepare with a knife,  cut etc. When they had made their picnic they then got to eat it!