All posts by Oliver

P7 Rugby

Recently P7 have been doing rugby with 2 coaches. P7 learned how to pass the ball and how to tackle using different methods. One of the tackling methods the coaches taught them were the bear hug where they would wrap their arms around the other person’s waist. They played various different games that used all the methods P7 had learned to tackle and pass the ball. Some of the games they played were a modified version of octopus tag and beat the ball. All of P7 enjoyed the experience and were sad when the lessons ended.

Maths Week

During maths week P7 have done lots of different activities such as a maths show we went to and a Sumdog competition.

When we went to the maths show we were greeted by a clown who taught us all about how balloons can be used to measure things.

P7 also did a maths treasure hunt and stem activities related to maths such as a Shannon switching game and computer games.

Operation Safety

On Friday 4th October P7 and went to Operation Safety. We did lots of fun activities that expanded our knowledge on safety. We had 4 different services (Fire, Police, SPEN and Paramedics) come and show us what they did and how to keep ourselves safe.

Fire Service:

firework safety

During firework safety we learned about fireworks and how dangerous they can be when not used correctly. We also had to throw a fake firework on a string and see what it landed on and if that item was safe to put on a bonfire. If the firework landed on a item with a bonus question on the back then we had to answer that question for bonus points. My partner threw the rocket and landed on newspaper and we got it wrong, also on the back it said that we burned a house down.

House safety

During house safety we had to walk in a room that was set up to be a kitchen or a bedroom and pick out all of the hazards in that room. We learned how to call for help if there was a real fire and if we couldn’t find a phone, We were supposed to put a rolled up rag under the door and open a window and call for help.


Online safety

When we were at the police station we learned about online bullying and how the police can track everything because of a footprint we always leave behind us. They gave us a laptop and we had to chat on a chatroom with our friends. At the end they revealed that there was other people on the chat collecting our info and seeing how much information they could find out about us.


electrical safety

When we were at SPEN we had to form a circle and hold hands to make a human circuit and two people had to hold an energy bar and it lit up. we tried to hold different objects to see if they would break the circuit. for example a wooden spoon does not conduct electricity because it is made of wood and a paper towel didn’t conduct electricity either because it is made of wood but a wet paper towel does because the water molecules carry the electricity and completes the circuit. We had a competition to see who could draw the best hazard sign. We learned about different electrical hazards and if you need assistance with a electrical hazard then you should call 105.



When we moved on to paramedics we were greeted by an body laying on a the ground. our friend (AKA Skye) discovered that she had been electrocuted and turned the power off. Then bob went back and stood in line. After that morven came and decided to tug on the persons leg that we now know is broken and the person is now unconscious. we fix her and she survives because of the ABCs A stands for Airways B stands for Breathing and C stands for Circulation.

P7 STEM Activities















Recently P7 along with P6/7 have been Completing STEM activities. STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and  Maths. While completing the STEM activities the pupils were challenged by problems that they had to work around. For example P7 had to make a spaghetti tower with Play-Doh and they had to make sure that they didn’t put too much Play-Doh so it didn’t collapse or break the spaghetti.

So far P7 have completed eight different STEM activities.

These activities were Marble Maze and Spaghetti Towers, Seed Poppers and Non-Newtonian Fluid, Lego Bridge and Cargo Boats and our most recent task Dominancy and Shadows.

After they completed these tasks they have to write about them on their personal blog page. Ask your child for a look at their Blog!

Democracy in the upper school!










The upper school are currently working on the context ‘Democracy’. We have been creating our own parties  in our different classes and devising policies which we think are important to us.

On Wednesday 25th of September Mrs Mackechnie  from the Scottish parliament came to visit P5 – P7. She shared how our election system works in Scotland and the UK. We got a chance to vote on different things and also held a mini debate. Everyone learned lots!

I liked the visit because it was a great experience getting to know the answers to questions I did not know –  Morven P7

I thought that it very interesting to learn more about parliament and the laws that we live under. – Lewis P6/7

On Monday 30th September we had a special visit from some of our MSPs. Oliver Mundell (Conservative), Joan Mcalpine (SNP) and Colin Smyth (Labour) came to the school. We were able to ask them lots of questions about issues which were important to us. It was a very interesting session.

I liked how all the MSPs were very honest and took forward our ideas – Skye P7

I thought it was fascinating to find out their opinions on lots of different things in parliament.

P6/7 Term 3

In term 3 P6/7 have been very busy.Image result for numeracy


In numeracy this term P6/7 have been focusing on percentages. They learnt how to successfully find a percentage of an amount and use this skill to find the cheapest price when completing a budgeting task.

                                                              Literacy Image result for literacy cartoon

This term in literacy p6/7 have been learning how  to add speech marks to text. They used their new found skill in a news articles when they wrote on the World War Two blitz.

Health and wellbeingImage result for health and wellbeing

In health and wellbeing P6/7 have been focussing on the rights of a child and how we show this at Heathhall. They were also tasked to pair all the rights of a child with our values (Fairness, Achieving and Respect) on a mind map.

IDL      See the source image

In IDL this term P6/7 have been learning about WWII and the horrific effects of it. They had to write a newspaper article on the Aberdeen bombings or the Clydebank bombings with quotes and a picture.