All posts by Russell

FAR Certificates 17.1.19

This week everyone got a wrist band because the blue ribbon came out the box. Here are the pupil and teacher winners.

Teacher                                                                                                            Pupil

What has been Happening in P1 Term 2

Primary 1  have been very busy this term, look what they have been doing.

Literacy – We have been learning Tricky Words. We learn Tricky words so that we can read books, instructions, our words for the school show and stories people have written. We have also been learning sounds. They help us to read too. We are learning to blend sounds together to make words. We have been working really hard using our sounds and Tricky Words to write sentences. We have been doing News writing on a Monday morning and we have also written a letter to Santa.

Numeracy – We have been practising counting. We are trying to count up to big numbers and also count backwards too. We are learning how to write the numbers correctly. We have also been looking at ordering numbers. With Mrs Sim we have been learning all about patterns and shape.

HWB – We have been learning all about keeping safe this term. We talked about bonfire/fireworks safety, staying safe at Halloween whilst our guising and also staying safe at night now that it is getting dark. We know that we should use reflectors, hi-vis or bright colourful clothes if we go out in the dark so that we can be seen.

PE – Mr Sharp has been teaching us Gymnastics. We learnt different types of rolls such as pencil rolls, log rolls and forwards rolls. We also worked on our balance. We started by balancing on the mats and then we tried balancing on the equipment. We had to make sure we were able to jump and land safely. You always land on your feet and bend your keens.  

IDL – Our topic this term has been ‘Christmas in the Past’. We had to do a research project where we speak to a grown-up and ask them about what Christmas was like when they were little. We were looking at all the different types of evidence we could use for our projects. Some types of evidence we used were: photos, stories, artefacts and the internet.

ICT – We have been working really hard to learn how to log in to the school computers. With Miss Renwick’s help we can type in our username and password, which is really tricky. We have also been learning how to turn the computers on and off properly. We have been practising using the mouse and track pads to draw pictures and we even had a go at writing our names.

Expressive Arts – We have done lots of art this term. We made fireworks pictures using lots of different materials and techniques. We also tried ‘Pointillism’ to make Pudsey pictures for Children in Need using cotton buds. Pointillism art is when you make a picture using lots and lots of dots. It took us ages!

Christmas Show – We have been doing lots of singing for our show. We have had to learn FOUR SONGS!!! We have had great fun making our costumes. Lots of us have been practising our speaking parts too. We have been learning how to use a microphone to make sure everyone can hear us

What has been happening in P6/7 Term 2

P6/7 have been really busy this term. Here are some things they have been doing.

In Literacy they have been focusing on creating a question from a text and linking feelings in a text to how they have felt before.

In Numeracy they have been working with negative numbers and also calculating speed, distance and time into international time differences.  They have also been looking at different strategies for adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying in mental maths.

Image result for adding subtracting dividing and multiplying logo

In IDL P6/7 have been carrying out work on Scottish landscapes, focusing on identifying features and how they are formed. They have also been looking at festivals of light.

Image result for festivals of light christmas wreath advent

In Health and Wellbeing they have been busy. In P.E pupils have been doing gymnastics and dancing. They have been working on included in SHANNARI. They made Mental Health Leaflets.

In Drama they have been writing scripts and performing these.

In French they have been focussing on pets.Image result for french flag

In Spanish they have been focussing on numbers to 31 and descriptions of people in 1st person.Image result for Spanish Flag