All posts by Russell

P1 Term 3

P1 have been busy in Term 3. Here’s what they have been doing.

Literacy – Lots of writing, looking at using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. Looked at the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.

Reading – using the front cover to predict what a book might be about.

French – we have been learning how to say the colours in French

Numeracy – Started Subtraction. We also learnt about ordinal numbers and have been using this when talking about the calendar each morning. Image result for Maths


HWB – Our strengths and the strengths of our friends. We have been looking at what makes us and our friends special and how it is okay that someone might be better at things than we are.

IDL – Weather (looking at symbols and seasons), did a green screen weather report.

Water – looked at how water changes when we get it hot or cold – did lots of experiments and made ‘hypotheses’ about what would happen.Image result for WEATHER





Other Areas – Drama focus, retelling fairy tales like Jack and the beanstalk through drama, with a focus on using our body and facial expressions to convey emotions.

P1 Fitness

P1 has been focussing on fitness within PE. They have been working on building their stamina, which means we try our best not to stop. They have been having a go at doing wall-sits, shuttle runs, toe taps and arm exercises. They have worked really hard, and are usually a bit sweaty by the end.


Food and Health with Miss Anderson

Some P1’s to P3’s were really busy in Miss Anderson’s Food and Health.

On week one they discussed the different jobs that use Food and Health and the Skills that they would be using. They looked at the 5 main food groups. They also packed a healthy lunch box.

On week two they discussed foods they would eat at a specific time of year.

On week three they did some food tasting. They tasted Christmas food.

On week four they discussed Kitchen Safety and designed a kitchen safety poster.

On week five they had a healthy picnic in the hall with the other 2 Food and Health groups.






Creativity Term 2 with Mrs Boyd

In Skills Academy with Mrs Boyd we were very busy.

On the first week we did sound effects. We had a script and we had to make sounds when someone read out the script.

On the second week we did Hot seating with our their favourite characters from a book or movie.

On the third week we created our own character. We had to think about how they act and things like that.

On the fourth week we created our own script and then on the last week we performed our script.

Also we played drama games each week.