All posts by Milly Morrison

2019 Rock Bottom show

In primary 7 we have been practising for a show, the show was going to be shown to the school and parents of the primary 7 pupils on May the 14th-15th. We all worked very hard to make the show perfect for whatever audience we had, which meant working as a team and showing responsibility when listening to what everyone was saying on the stage. This took about a month to organise and for everyone to learn their words. It also took a very long time to make all the props and costumes for the show. Each group of characters had different coloured  shirts to show

Primary 3/4 reviewed the show and most of the children thought that it was a really good show .

Everyone enjoyed making the show and liked watching it.

Here are some pictures of us performing the show to our parents and school.

2019 World Book Day


On Thursday the 7th of March our school was taking part in the World Book Day. In primary 7 we were  creating a page of information about our favourite books like the author and the main story. We also had to made a new front cover for a book.                                                                                                                                                                                In primary 6/7 they filled in a sheet asking questions about Book and they completed a book quiz.                                                                                                                                                                   In primary 5/6 they made a book cover on a book that they liked.                                                      In primary 5 they made a front cover and a summary on the back, then they were data handling with their favourite author, genre or book. They then made a bar chart.                     In primary 4/5 they brought in their favourite books and went on a hunt to find things about their author or book.                                                                                                                                 In primary 4 they designed a new front cover for their favourite book, they also completed a word search of authors. They then decided to take part in a word book day scavenger hunt.                                                                                                                                                            In primary 3/4 they made a book cover of a book of their choice.                                                     In primary P2/3 they took part in various activities to celebrate. This included a tick list of activities to complete like reading a play-script with friends, finding a recipe, acting out a puppet show, and completing a book treasure hunt alongside other things! They also brought in their favourite books which they enjoyed reading beside our ‘virtual’ cosy fire.  In primary 2 they brought in a book and swapped with someone in their class, they then made a book shop at the back of the class and played a little. Mrs Lynn read them a part of Charlie and the chocolate factory and they completed a task on the part.                                    In primary 1/2 they were authors and illustrators of their favourite book.                                     In primary 1 they made stories about an author or illustrator with a start, middle and end.