All posts by Faith Annie Sewell

Primary 4/5 Term 2

In Primary 4/5 they have been doing lots of different work on maths. In maths they have been doing Multiplication. The times table they have been working on is the 9 times table. They are all working really hard on this and are really happy with their progress. In maths they have also done some dividing.


In literacy Primary 4/5 have been working really hard on taking notes. They have been taking notes to then go on and write summaries of different contents.

In Physical Education P4/5 have been doing gymnastics and their Jigs and Reels.

Image result for gymnastics keep calm

They are currently doing some work on The Festivals of Light. The class got a special visit along with the other upper classes. The people from the Jewish community came and talked to them about Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a festival that celebrates the freedom of the Maccabees from the king of the Greeks as he forced them to worship the Greek Gods.

Image result for hanukkah

Primary 4/5 have also been learning about the Advent. The advent is a Christian way of counting down to the day Jesus was born. Jesus was born on the 25th of December and this is a big time of year for a lot of people because… IT’S CHRISTMAS!! When we all celebrate Christmas we really need to remember its not about the presents it is about the birth of Jesus. Advent is usually an Advent Wreath. Christians usually light a candle every Sunday up to Christmas.

Image result for advent wreath


In Literacy P4/5 have been working on Speech Marks and where to use them. In sentences you have to use speech marks if it is the showing of what a person or animal has said. Primary 4/5 have been doing a lot of work on this and can’t wait to use it when they are writing some really good descriptive stories.

See the source image

During art the class have been working on Scottish Landscapes. The Scottish Landscapes they are drawing are all over any country side you see. The have been using different arrangements of colours during it all and they can’t wait to work on even more shading and use of colour techniques.

Image result for scottish landscapes


Primary 4/5 constantly work hard on all of their work and really do hope you enjoy reading about what they have been taught and learnt during the 2nd Term of their Primary 4 or 5 year!

If you would like to tell us what you think why don’t you put a comment in the box below !


Christmas Disco

On Monday the 3rd of December the whole school had a Christmas themed disco. The disco was split into two groups. From 5:30 – 6:15pm the Primary 1-3 had their disco and the Primary 4-7’s Disco was 6:30 – 7:30pm. At the disco there was a little shop which sold crisps. There were onion rings, space raiders, ready salted walkers and some extra cheesy transformers that all varied in price. At the party we played Party games.

The first game we played was Santa and Reindeer. Basically what you had to do was find a partner and the Santa would sit on top of the reindeer. This was really fun but you had to stay as still as possible.

Image result for santya and reindeerImage result for christmas scene

The Primary 4-7 winners were Leah and Jena and one of the winners from the lower school was Iona. The next game was Musical corners. The winner from the upper school was Chelsea and from the lower school was Kyran. The last game was Musical Statues and the winner from the lower school was Joe.


We all had some drinks and had a really good time.

Thank you to the Parent Council for this amazing party that you arranged.



Remembrance Day

On the 9th of November Primary 7 went to the Heathhall Aviation Museum. They went to the Aviation Museum to show their respects to the people that fought in the war for them. These people they remembered could of fought in World War 1 or 2 and also any kind of war or fight. They risked their lives for us so we had to remember them and show our respect for what they did for us ALL !!!

When the Primary 7s arrived they were piped to the Memorial Gardens to lay the wreaths and to do the 2 minute silence. Before they did the silence a man gave a little speech. Soon after it had turned 11o’clock. The reason they did the silence at 11 is because it is said that the war ended on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour. When the silence took place all of the people put their heads down and remembered about the people who fought in the war, also loved ones who are having a hard time or someone who has passed away and meant a lot to them.


Once the two minute silence had ended some of the community laid wreaths including the school. Our school had two pupils laying the wreath. These two people were Primary 7 and Primary 6/7 pupil councillors. These two pupils were Leah and Cameron. There was also a new bench that was put there by the Community Council. The Community Council raised money for the bench. This bench was no ordinary bench though. The bench was know as the “memorial bench”. Layton was chosen to cut the ribbons on the bench.

Next we went over to a hut to see the Spitfire. The Spitfire that was here was one of the last flying Spitfires in the world. It was really interesting learning about the Spitfire. The Spitfire captaincy team was especially excited to see the plane of their house standing in front of them. We all really appreciated the extra time that we got to go around the Aviation Museum and see some of the extra features.

This is all of Heathhall School’s primary 7s

Last but not least we went to the RAF Hut and learnt so much about the war. There was so much stuff on Wellington and Spitfire!!! There were some mannequins that seemed to be acting out what it would be like inside one of the bombers and it looked really cool but also quite creepy as there were lots and lots of extravagant sound effects!!!


Overall, the Primary 7s had a very memorable day and really appreciated being part of this experience.

Thanks You to the Aviation Museum and all of the adult helpers who made the trip possible !!


P4/5 Jigs and Reels

Recently in Primary 4/5 they have taken part in something called Jigs and Reels. Some of the pupils put together a little paragraph either in pairs or separately.

“We had a visitor at school, her name was Jane and she taught us all about Jigs and Reels. Jane also taught us how to do the slip step.”

“In Jigs and reels there was a lady called Jane. She taught us how to do Simon’s dance. It was really hard. We were in groups of eight. The music was really fast but I got the hang of it. We were in shapes and had to keep it in the eight steps. We also had to keep our heels off the ground. Jane told use how to do the slip step.”   By Carrie

Nicole, Ellie, Lily and Charlie all made up a dance called the Twirly Whirly dance this is the steps to their dance

1st we all went to the side then forward and backwards.

2nd we all gathered up in to a circle and went round and round and round.

3rd We split up and did a twirl and then we got a partner and span round together.

4th We got back in a line and one after the other did the floss.

5th One after the other stopped doing the floss.

6th We all hugged and then stopped.

Everyone in the class really enjoyed being part of the lesson.  They all learnt a lot and hope that the technique will really help them in future dancing routines. The class all worked really hard and would love for it to happen again!