All posts by Mrs Hannay

Jubilee Preparations in Primary 6/7

We have been busy preparing to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We have been researching the Queen’s reign and all her achievements. We have been busy sketching and painting a portrait of the Queen.

We also decorated cupcakes and shortbread to eat at our picnic celebration on Wednesday afternoon. We made bunting and table decorations, plus crowns. It’s shaping up to be a good day.


Photos to follow.



primary 6/7

we have done sports day practice for sports  day which is on Tuesday the 24th of may 2022. during math’s we have been learning to make a randomly generated number and we have other numbers which we can multiply, subtract, addition and divide to get this number we have been measuring different objects during maths. in art we have been making a lovely piece of art for a competition


Lockerbie Manor

On May the fourth our primary 6s went to Lockerbie Manor on a residential trip. We done all sorts of fun adventurous activities such as BIVI, Wide games, Fencing , zip wire , abseil, rock climbing, blind trail, canoeing and Kayaking. For breakfast we had an English breakfast for lunches we had pasta and ham and cheese sandwiches and for dinner we had chicken curry and steak bakes along with  chicken pie , beef stew and mushroom stroganoff. We were allocated rooms with our friends.

Pictures to follow.

Wrote by Corey and Reuben

Amusements Parks by P5 and 7

With all the Primary 6’s away to Lockerbie Manor, Primary 6/7 welcomed 3 primary 5 pupils for 3 days. We have been working on designing a theme park in groups of 4.

We were given a budget of £5 million. We had £4 million to design and build the theme park, keeping £1 million back for start up costs.

We were given a design brief and building a budget sheet to keep a tally of how many of each type of ride we have.

We will upload photographs of our theme park when they are finished. In the meantime, here are some pictures of us working co-operatively in our groups.