Primary 6 has been learning to write a description of a pet in French. They then swapped work with someone else in the class who then translated the writing back to English. Our success criteria was: I can write French descriptions of a pet for someone else to translate. The META skills that we used were: Focusing, Communicating, Collaborating and Leading.
All posts by Mrs Hannay
Maths in Primary 6
Primary 6 have been learning to play dominoes in maths using their times tables. We also practised dividing using dominoes.
Lego Build with Young Digital Leaders – Primary 6
Young Digital Leaders from Primary 7 have been teaching Primary 6 all about Lego Build. This is a programme that allows pupils to build lego and give instructions for the lego to move. We used lots of our META skills when working in two’s.
Art in Primary 6 – Term 3
Our art this term is taking a Scottish theme. We have looked at the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Gillian Kyle. Have a look at our work, we think its fab!
Primary 6 Scots Celebrations at Heathhall Primary School
Primary 6 has been learning all about Scots Dialect in class. We did a dictionary race, whereby pupils worked in 2’s to find a word in the English to Scots Dictionary.
We then had to find an English word in a dictionary and write the Scots meaning.
Primary 6 Newsletter – Term 3
PE on a Tuesday with Mr Sharp – Primary 6
Today 23.1.24. we were using our core strength and stamina to work in teams and complete tasks. One of the hardest was using our core strength to play a game of air hockey.
Swimming Success in Primary 6
Four pupils from Primary 6 recently took part in the Scottish Schools Swimming Competition at DGOne. They have made it through to the next stage, which is the nationals. The date has to be confirmed but well done to Olly, Abbie, Abigail and Will.
Christmas Party Planning in Primary 6
Primary 6 has been working with a budget of £100 to plan a party for 8 children. We worked in two’s to complete this task. The criteria was:
- to plan a party for 8 children
- entertainment had to be provided
- games had to be provided
- food, drink and a cake had to be provided
Measuring and Drawing Angles in Primary 6
Primary 6 has been learning to use a protractor to measure an angle within a 1 degree accuracy. We then moved on to drawing acute and obtuse angles using a protractor.