All posts by Mrs Hannay

Fairtrade in Primary 6

Primary 6 has been learning all about Fairtrade Fortnight. We learned all about the support that the organisation gives to farmer and workers across the world. Fairtrade helps over 1 million people worldwide.

We worked in two’s, using Digital Technologies to research foods and their journey to reach Australia. We looked at air miles. We completed a table on air miles and annotated a map showing the journey that food will take to reach it’s destination.

Fairtrade Logo, Fairtrade Symbol, Meaning, History and Evolution

STEM in Primary 6

Primary 6 have been working on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in class. Our remit was:

Your task is to design and create a castle. To be successful in your challenge, you must meet the following criteria:
  • Your castle must have 4 turrets
  • Each turret must be at least 20 cm in height
  • Your castle must have a moveable drawbridge that can open and close
  • Your castle must have 4 windows, each measuring 2cm by 5cm