All posts by Mrs McKirdle

P2/3 Class Charter

We have been busy talking about children’s rights, and agreeing on our responsibilities for our class charter. P2/3 chose a busy bee theme!


We all signed our charter as a promise to remember our responsibilities.

The rights P2/3 agreed were most important for their class charter were –


Primary P2/3

Term 1 –

Outdoor Learning

Indoor –

We designed our own coat peg pictures!



Our class trip top Lochthorn Library

We enjoyed our visit to the library and choose our own books to read.

Visitors in class –

Our school cleaning staff visited us to tell us about their jobs. We know we have responsibilities to help look after our classroom too, and make it a nice environment to play and learn in.

We are counting up to 100 days at school on ten frames on our rocket!

P3.4 Maths and ICT

One of the things we have been learning about in maths is data handling. We have each been recording how pupils travel to school over one school week, using tally marks in a daily survey. Then, during our ICT lesson,  we have transferred all this data independently onto a bar chart, labelling the X and Y axis.


We have talked about the importance of collecting and recording accurate data and its many uses – especially in today’s news when we can regularly see coronavirus information shared.

P3.4 Poetry

During one of our class outdoor lessons we wrote down notes on changes in the season, and then used our notes to write a cinquain poem. This is a 5 lined poem with a special structure and order of when to use nouns and adjectives. It was quite tricky, but we think our poems are very good, and we can visualise an Autumn scene for every one! We hope to share our poems in our Learning Folders coming home soon!

To decorate our Autumn Poetry we were very artistic using line drawing techniques on leaf templates. We learned to use contour hatching, cross hatching, parallel and diagonal techniques, and other kinds of lines too.

Term 1 P3.4

P3.4 say they can’t believe it’s time for the holidays already!!! Here are just a few things we have been doing in term 1.😊

While using our outdoor classroom area we had a think how we could attract more wildlife and brighten it up.  We decided we could put some Spring bulbs in the planters to attract birds, butterflies and bees.  We chose these bulbs for their bright colours!