
Welcome to P7’s blog page

Safer Internet Day

08/02/22 was Safer Internet Day. We discussed how to be safe on the internet and advice that we could give others to encourage them to stay safe too.

We watched a video on the UK Safer Internet Centre website and then created a poster displaying the importance of internet safety.

Aviation Museum

We visited the Aviation Museum to learn more about our World War 2 topic.

We got to see what it would be like to be in an Anderson Shelter during the Blitz. It was very cramped!

We also got to see what a living room, kitchen and bedroom would have been like during WW2.

We got to see a real Spitfire from the war that was recovered from Loch Doon and hear all about it!

We had a great time, learned lots of interesting information and had fun!

Skills Academy

This term in Skills Academy we are focusing on Food and Health

In week 1 we researched and planned a balanced menu for a Diwali celebration. It was interesting to learn about different foods and the research made us very hungry.

Then we tried some new healthy foods and used sensory descriptors to describe these. Everyone did a fantastic job at showing confidence and trying new things!

The persimmons were a hit but the cheese was hit and miss!

In weeks 4 and 5 we baked cookies.


We had great fun researching recipes, following recipes and tasting our creations! There are some budding chefs in P7 who are eager to share the skills they have been developing!

Remembrance Day

We collaboratively created this memorial display including the poem ‘Please Wear a Poppy’ by Don Crawford.


World War 2

As part of our World War 2 topic P7 created propaganda posters. The class produced some great art work!

Outdoor Learning

In maths we have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages.

We took our learning outdoors to find examples of this in real life.

We organised leaves into different categories and then calculated the fraction/percentage that we found. 

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