p7 science trips

On the 7th and the 14th of May p7 went to the High School for half a day doing science. We were split up into three different groups and on the first week group two and one did fingerprinting while group three made bread dough and yogurt and learned about micro-organisms. In fingerprinting we learned about how everyone has unique fingerprints and they can be used to identify people. We learned how to make a picture of your fingerprint. To make a picture of your fingerprint you had to shade in the corner of a post it note very darkly and then rub your finger on the shaded in part then you got a piece of cellotape and you had to put your finger print on the cellotape and roll it over.

When making the bread dough you got flour, sugar and yeast then you had to put a couple of spoonfuls of each into your container then add some water then stir. After awhile the stuff started to look like a liquid dough and then we were done with bread. After that we were going to make some yogurt and we got a Bunsen burner, tripod and a heat mat because you had to heat the milk you got to eighty degrees Celsius then you had to let it cool to 50 degrees Celsius then you add the cream mix and you wait.

Both the activities were really fun and everyone enjoyed it.

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