Our learning so far…

We have been learning how to do the register in French. – Freddie
Boys learnt to say ‘Present’ and girls learnt to say ‘Presente’. – Katie
When somebody is off we either say ‘Absent’ or ‘Absente’. – Oliver

We have been learning to tile. – Henri
Tiling is different shapes going together without any gaps. – Murray.

Here are some pictures of our tiling work.

We have been learning about Hundreds, Tens and Ones. – Olivia
We have been learning to make numbers with the Hundreds, Tens and Ones, for example, 9 in the hundreds column is 900, 5 in the tens column is 50 and 8 in the ones column is 8. – Murray.

In Skills Academy we have been learning some music. – Leo
We learnt about ‘melody’, ‘pitch’, rhythm’ and ‘pulse’. – Oscar
We have been listening to different genres of music. – Eva

We have been reading books in our new reading groups. – Isla W
We have been doing our Speed Words. – Isla G

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