Terrific Term 2 for P2/3

Hi everyone! It has been a terrific term 2 for P2/3!

This term, we introduced spelling practice. We have been using lots of play based methods to help us with our learning. Have a look at some of our success!

In numeracy, the circles and rectangles groups have recently been learning all about the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The squares and triangles have been learning about patterns and have been creating different repeating patterns using the cubes. The squares and triangles have also been learning about ordering and place value. We then moved onto learn about the role this plays when adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers. Have a look at our success!

Our IDL context this term has been Christianity and other world religions. As a class, we voted to see which other world religion we wanted to study. The class chose Buddhism and enjoyed learning all about what Buddhists believe and about their temple of worship. In class, we learned about the Wat temple of worship and looked at the structures of the building and how to identify a Wat Buddhist temple. The class were given the task to build or create a Wat and they got to choose their materials. Have a look at some of our success!

In Skills Academy, we focused on community. With the P1 classes focusing on how to help the people in our community, we focused on how to help the wildlife in our community. To do this, we investigated the secret garden in the school playground to see what features it had for wildlife. We then investigated what wildlife lived in the secret garden by going on a mini-beast hunt. After we identified what wildlife lives in our school community, the class learned about the micro-habitats of these mini-beasts and what they need to survive. To help the mini-beasts in our community to survive, we worked in teams to build some lovely bug hotels! This involved lots of team work to collect different pieces of nature such as sticks, twigs, stones, leaves and bark and to build these in a way that created lots of small dark spaces, in order to make sure our bug hotels were suitable. Once built, each learner designed a stone using acrylic paint pens, featuring their favourite mini-beast. We placed the stones around the bug hotels to show the hard work each learner put into the project and to encourage learners to take ownership and pride in what they have  created in our community! Have a look at the different stages of our project and the success that we shared!

During wet playtimes this term, the class have all shown a keen interest and have been enjoying using the class jigsaw puzzles! P2/3 wanted to share some of their success with these too!

P2/3 have been working extremely hard this term and feel very proud of themselves! Well done Superstars!

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