Dynamic Earth

On 27th of November P5-P7 went to Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. It was a very early start needing to be at school for 7.45am. There were so many people that they needed to take 3 buses. It was a long way and took over 2 hours but singing kept them happy!

When they got there they had their snack. P7 and P5 were rushed off to watch a show on super volcanoes while P6 went on a tour. They all really enjoyed the show and P6 enjoyed the tour.  P7 then went on the tour and P6 and P5 went to the workshop.

On the tour they learnt about different types of rocks (geology), ice age, global warming, volcanoes, earthquakes, under the sea and rain forests. At the workshops they learnt about earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, tornadoes and different materials like iron and steel by doing different activities. For the earthquakes they needed to make a building that could survive the floor shaking. For the tsunami they got to play a game on the internet and try and save all the people. For the volcanoes they needed to draw a volcano with the different types of lava. For the different types of rocks they needed to tell if they were meteors or not. And for the tornadoes they learnt to make tornados out of 2 plastic bottles and tape.

After their first 2 activities they had lunch. After lunch P7 went to the workshops , P5 went on the tour and P6 went to watch the film about super volcanoes. They all had a very good time at dynamic earth and all got home safely.

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