STEM Rotation



P6/7 have been  taking part in a rotation of  STEM activities.

STEM stands for Science , Technology, Engineering and Maths.

We are split into 5 groups.  2 groups do STEM activities, a group practises Spelling, a group plays Sumdog and another group does Accelerated Reading.

For our first time doing STEM  we had to  make a LEGO marble maze and spaghetti tower with plasticine

and spaghetti.


On our second week of STEM rotation we made seed poppers and oobleck out of cornflower and water.






For our third week of STEM rotation we made a tinfoil boat and we filled them with 1 pence coins to see whos could hold the most weight. For the second activity we had to build a lego bridge and find out whos could hold the most weight James’s held the most since it was strong enough to hold all the weights.

On our fourth week of STEM rotation we did a lot of experimenting like we had to experiment on which side is your dominant. The other activity we did was to experiment with shadows and flashlights.



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