What P7 Has Been Doing In Term 3!!

This term we had a student teacher called Miss Moore. With her we have  been doing religious studies. We made movies and we were split and one side of the class did a role play of  bible stories and the other half did the same but did it on a cartoon strip. We also did the 10 Commandments and made up our own. We also made trees and in the center was a value and on the leaves you had to write how you can achieve that value .

We have been reading a book called Millions. We have done lots of activities like drawing our favourite part.

We did angle work with Miss Moore and looked at complementary and supplementary angles.

We also did music with Miss Moore and we had to write a song with a message or meaning to it then we had to get in a group the school library and chose one of our songs and make the song with instruments.

We also did yoga with Miss Moore and we did the tree pose, butterfly pose and the mountain pose.

On the 19th of March Lisa a person from Smoking Matters came in and taught us the dangers of smoking and she got two volunteers to read the labels of chemicals that are in a single cigarette and we learned there are over 4000 thousand chemicals in a single cigarette. Some of those chemicals include formaldehyde, arsenic and tar. Overall it was a very informative day.

We have also been doing debates and the debates that we have been doing are animal testing and if you want college to be compulsory.







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