P5 went to New Lanark!

On Wednesday 27th of March P5 went to New Lanark as part of their topic on the Victorians.

We did a lot on our school trip  including a ride, a tour and a class role play. We started the day with a class role play from the Victorian times. In the role play we did arithmetic ,writing and drill (Maths literacy and P.E). We got to write on slate our name and date . We also wrote the alphabet in cursive. We did  Maths on a slate with a slate pencil. They for some reason had a crocodile. (fake) After that the teacher made us try and guess which country she was pointing at on the map. Next  we did some Victorian style dancing .

We  did a 12 minute ride it was about a girl called Annie McLeod and how she lived and worked in mill.

After that we went on a tour with a woman called Lesley. First of all in the tour she took us to see the mill and told us that girls had to go under the machines and pull out clumps of wool so that they wouldn’t jam the machine and had to get out quickly so that their hair wouldn’t get caught. Lesley told us that it was girls who had to fix and work the machine because they were small and nimble while the boys did all the carrying and lifting. Once that was over Lesley took us into one of the houses, they were tiny there was one window to a house and they were only one room. Next we went to a house a bit later in time, (the first was in the Victorian era this one was around the time of WW1) this one was two rooms and two windows but was still quite small. Finally before leaving went to the town store where the people who lived there could get all the essentials they needed. All that was left to do after that was go back to the school. We all had a great day!

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