Primary 5 Term 3

In term 3 P5 have been doing quite a lot in maths.

‘With Mrs Clanachan we are currently doing decimal fractions as well as equivalent fractions, changing mixed numbers, simplifying fractions and fractions of amounts. We have also been doing number talks which is when we get a sum and we have to figure out as many ways to do the sum as possible . We have also been doing  maths with Mrs Sim. We have been doing 12 and 24 hour time ,time durations ,converting between minutes, hours and seconds. We have been doing pie charts and bar graphs.’

They have also been doing stuff about Victorians. They compared the life then and now. They did art on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and they made a rose.

On world book day they brought in their favourite book and recreated the front cover then made a summary of the book.

Also they have been on a school trip to New Lanark. They did a presentation on it.

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