What’s been happening in P7 Term 2!

In P7 we have been learning to re draft our writing .We wrote a letter to Mrs McLean about what the effects would be if we introduced social media to school . We also wrote a repot  on our  visit to the aviation museum and we are currently writing a short story about a mischievous  elf and we will be sharing these stories with the infants.

In reading we have been working on our comprehension skills and using HOTS strategies to ask and answer questions which really make us think.

We also presented a talk to the class this term where we had to discuss an environmental issue which interested us.

In numeracy we have  been  developing  our skills with the four number processes in order to solve BODMAS calculations . We have also been working with decimals , fractions and percentages and learning how to convert between these .

In  mental maths we have been talking about the different strategies we use to solve calculations .

In HWB with Mr Ross we have been learning about mental illnesses we made leaflets of any illness of our choice.

In P.E with  Mr Sharp we have been doing dancing. We made a street dancing dance. we also made gymnastics routines.

In IDL we have been learning about our senses and then we moved on to learning about festivals of light . We even had a visit from 2 Jewish men to tell us about Hanukkah.


During work with technologies we have been updating our own Glow blogs. We also have been using the green screen and movieplus to create a short film about using our senses to keep us safe.

We have created some interesting art work this term showing skills in perspective, tone and collage.

What a busy term!


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